4ms MetaModule Wi-Fi Expander [MM-WIFI] 

The MetaModule Wi-Fi Expander lets you connect to your MetaModule wirelessly using a web browser.

Quickly transfer patches you created on the computer and play them on your MetaModule without swapping disks or USB drives.

Read the documentation here: Setup and Documentation


  • 4 HP
  • Connects to an existing Wi-Fi network (2.4GHz, 802.11 b/g/n)
  • Connects to MetaModule with included 2x4 cable.
  • Point your web browser to the Wi-Fi Expander's address, and transfer patch files and browse the contents of the MetaModule
  • Firmware is updated by the MetaModule, so features can be expanded as the MetaModule evolves
  • Power consumption: +12V max 50mA. -12V: none. -5V: none.
  • Depth: 25mm
4ms MetaModule Wi-Fi Expander [MM-WIFI] 

販売価格: 17,363円 [通常販売価格: 17,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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