Boredbrain DB25 次回入荷分



  • Connects to IO module to provide twenty-four balanced audio outputs
  • Connects to Xcelon mixer and expanders for twelve stereo direct outputs
  • D-Sub connectors accept 8-channel balanced audio snakes
  • Low-noise signal path with isolated channel circuitry

Direct multi-channel expansion

DB25 is part of Boredbrain’s direct multi-channel audio series of modules, which interconnect to provide a multitude of audio outputs to eurorack systems. DB25 can interface with the IO module and/or Xcelon mixer for up to twenty-four balanced audio outputs.

Flexible Interconnection

On the front of the module are three 25-pin D-Sub connectors, which each output eight channels of balanced line-level audio for a total of twenty-four outputs. The channel numbers next to each DB25 connector (1-8, 9-16, 17-24) correspond to those on the rear input ports.

The pin-out for these connectors is consistent with standard DB25 balanced audio snakes like the Hosa DTP-800 series.
The four input ports on the back of the module (INPUT 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-24) accept signals from compatible Boredbrain modules using the supplied 8-pin ribbon cables. When connected to the IO module, these ports accept groups of six individual input signals. Similarly, when connected to the Xcelon mixer or XP3 channel expander, these ports accept banks of three stereo mixer channels for direct output. The connections to these ports can be mixed and matched in any order, and both the PRE and POST direct outputs for a bank of channels (Xcelon) can be used simultaneously.

Common Configurations


This high-density configuration allows for a large number of balanced outputs, and still has one remaining port (six signals) on the IO module.


This simple configuration provides balanced line outputs for all of the primary stereo channels of Xcelon (1-6) plus the two FX Returns and MIX A. If only the first two DB25 are connected, the MIX A direct output is omitted.


This configuration provides balanced direct outputs for all stereo channels (1-9) plus the two FX Returns and MIX A in an Xcelon mixer system with one XP3.


This advanced configuration provides balanced direct outputs for all stereo channels in a fully expanded Xcelon mixer system with two XP3.


Balanced Audio Output

Balanced audio is essential in pro audio applications due to its immunity to noise introduced in long cable runs. Audio signals in this format are commonly used with pro audio interfaces, mixers, patchbays and live sound equipment.

The module’s three DB25 connectors output differential signals scaled to +4 dBu, which can drive long cable runs with high capacitive loads. The compact layout is made possible by using high performance balanced line driver ICs rather than much larger isolation transformers.

These differential or “balanced” signals are the key to noise rejection. Prior to signal output, a duplicate is made with an inverted polarity. The original signal, SIGNAL +, is carried on one wire, while the inverted signal, SIGNAL –, is carried on another. At the balanced input, the inverted signal is re-inverted and combined with the original signal. Because any noise picked up across the cable affects both signals equally, it undergoes phase cancellation and is removed from the FINAL SIGNAL.


  • Width: 8 HP
  • Depth: 1.75 in (44 mm)
  • Weight: 3.8 oz (107 g)
  • Output Impedance: 50 Ω
  • SNR: > 102 dB
  • Power: +12 V 180 mA, -12 V 180 mA​


Boredbrain DB25 次回入荷分

販売価格: 60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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