ホーム > Hexinverter Électronique > MUTANT DRUMS > Hexinverter Électronique BUNDLE 次回入荷分

Hexinverter Électronique BUNDLE 次回入荷分

Introducing four re-issues of classic Hexinverter drum modules – the Mutant Bass Drum, Mutant Snare, Mutant Clap and Mutant Hihats! These modules are perfect for anyone with a taste for classic TR808/909 sounds, but with a greatly expanded tonal range with voltage control over parameters and, of course, optional high distortion!


  • Mutant Bassdrum
  • Mutant Snare
  • Mutant Hi-Hats
  • Mutant Clap


NB! All the modules are packaged in one box.


Redesigned by Erica Synths in close collaboration with Hexinverter. 

Hexinverter Électronique BUNDLE 次回入荷分

販売価格: 118,243円 [通常販売価格: 121,900円]

重さ: 4lb


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