BEFACO/Molten Modular BYPASS 次回入荷分

    • Molten Bypass

      This is Befaco's new collaboration with Robin Vincent aka Molten Music Technology. A Stereo bypass module to gate control the send of your signals to your favorite effect!

      Molten bypass features a hard/soft bypass control, to hard cut the return of your effect or allow the long tails of your reverb to stay after you bypass the effect. Also a gate/latch control to use either triggers or gates for control and a gain control for the returned signal.



      • Full stereo signal path.
      • DC coupled.
      • Hard or soft bypass selection.
      • Gate or Latch possibility
      • Manual or Gate control
      • Gain control over the return.


      • Current needs: +12V: 33mA, -12: 26mA, 5v:0
      • Width: 4 HP
      • Depth: 42mm (including power connector)
      • Designed, kits prepared and  modules assembled in Barcelona.


BEFACO/Molten Modular BYPASS 次回入荷分

販売価格: 20,273円 [通常販売価格: 20,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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