Frap Tools 411 

411 Quadruple Linear VCA for Audio and CV

The 411 is a quadruple linear VCA, mixer, and multiple for audio and CV.

It consists of four linear VCAs with semi-normalled inputs and CV inputs, −6 dB attenuation switches, a mixed output, and an unpatched output.

The 411’s architecture allows to use it in many ways, for example:

  • processing four signals independently;
  • modulating one signal with four CVS and sending it to four different destinations;
  • mixing up to four signals and modulating them with the same CV;
  • mixing two audio signals and modulating them with a modulated CV…


6 HP


38 mm

Current draw

35 mA @ +12 V, 25 mA @ -12 V

Recommended warmup time

30 min

Audio Input impedance

> 45 KΩ

CV Input Impedance

> 40 KΩ 

Output impedance 

~ 100 Ω 

Global CV offset per section

-20 to 20 mV

Frequency response

DC to 30 KHz

Harmonic distortion (THD+N)

< 0.1%


Frap Tools 411 

販売価格: 23,183円 [通常販売価格: 23,900円]


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