ホーム > Erica Synths > Erica Synths DRUM SERIES > Erica Synths DRUM STEREO DJ VCF 次回入荷分

Erica Synths DRUM STEREO DJ VCF 次回入荷分

As its name suggests, the Erica Synths DJ VCF STEREO module provides sound treatment functionality typically found on DJ decks – it is fully open when the cutoff knob is at 12:00. When turned counter-clockwise, lowpass filtering is applied and when turned clockwise, highpass filtering is initiated. Additionally, there is a nice-sounding, adjustable resonance parameter. This provides hands-on control over the sound during performances as well as unconventional timbre modulations that are hard to achieve with conventional state variable filters.


  • Fully analogue stereo DJ-style VCF
  • Manual cutoff and resonance control
  • Two cutoff CV inputs, one with an attenuverter

Technical specifications:

Audio level10Vptp
CV level-10V - +10V
Filter slope24dB/oct
Power consumption+109mA, -101mA
Module width8HP
Module depth35mm

Manuals book

Erica Synths DRUM STEREO DJ VCF 次回入荷分

販売価格: 35,793円 [通常販売価格: 36,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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