Trogotronic 625 Antidote Analog MiniSynth

Model 625 Antidote Analog MiniSynth

Clandestine Projects go by many strange names. Projects which changed the course of history for better or worse. Manhattan, Bluebook, MK Ultra— hell—even Alan Parsons…

PROJECT ANTIDOTE (codename THE MACHINE) is the latest of such world-changing endeavors. But rather than another top-down government control-scheme funded by covert appropriation, the Military, Moonies, the Heritage Foundation or Rand Corp— PROJECT ANTIDOTE is conducted by a grassroots coalition of outsiders far from the eyes & ears of the surveillance-state.

Miles down a random dirt road a working group was assembled from the ranks of OFF!—the Hardcore Punk Supergroup—& Trogotronic’s Subhuman Resistor-Wranglers. Their mission: Design the ANTI-SYSTEM.

While silicon valley oligarchs were squandering unimaginable sums to develop “brain-enhancement implants” at zillion-dollar vivisection labs, PROJECT ANTIDOTE relentlessly refined THE MACHINE at a secret forest shanty dubbed “THE PUNK WORKS”. Success was soon realized when the pathway for organic audio-to-mental frequency-coupling was established, whereby minds are FREED rather than controlled. What’s more THE MACHINE viscerally resonates with only the MOST radical free-radicals to achieve a critical mass of illuminated population no longer subject to THE SYSTEM.

THE MACHINE includes a holistic tuning array of

11 Parameter Knobs
10 Element Light Emitting Array
All-Analog Audio Circuitry
Right vs. Left Hemispherical Design
Endless Audio-to-Brain Setting Possibilities
12v Worldwide Power Supply
Plug & Play for rapid deployment at blistering amplitudes, its immediate effects are clearly notable when the uninitiated strike a peculiar pose with each fore-finger inserted deep into the ear canal. Congratulations: IT’S WORKING!

As a redundant precaution, plans are being subliminally disseminated via unlimited multimedia release. Hidden diagrams are embedded in LP sleeves, Sportswear & Midnight Movie plots only visible in complete darkness. This way if all our efforts fail, the intrepid underground technicians among us can independently construct THE MACHINE in shanties the world over.


Cast Aluminum Chassis 7.5″ x 4.75″ x 2″
Power Supply Included
Trogotronic 625 Antidote Analog MiniSynth

販売価格: 38,855円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]

重さ: 3lb


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