Noise Engineering Debel Iteritas Alia  次回入荷分

Hybrid additive phase-modulation voice on a swappable oscillator platform

Debel Iteritas Alia is a hybrid additive phase-modulation voice inspired by some of our favorite synth sounds across the decades. Three synthesis algorithms span classic FM plucks and basses to all-out additive mayhem. DIA’s simple two-parameter envelope covers a huge range of shapes and timing, making it easy to dial in the exact sound you need. With CV over every parameter, a dedicated envelope output, and an absolutely massive timbral range, Debel Iteritas Alia is a powerhouse synth voice in a compact package.

DIA is available on our 10HP Alia oscillator platform. Buy an Alia module and use included USB cable to connect to the Noise Engineering Customer Portal and check out any other Alia firmware, free of charge, any time. More info can be found on the World of Alia page here. Hotswappable overlays are also coming soon, too, so you can easily panel your module to match your firmware, no assembly required.

With Debel Iteritas Alia, you can have your nachos and eat them, too.


Size and Power

  • 10HP Eurorack
  • +12v:100mA
  • -12v: 15mA

Debel - of the bell - from Spanish de "of" + English bell OR from American English - "more life"

Iteritas - repetitiousness - from Latin itero "repeat" with suffix -tas "state of being"

Alia - supreme, from Arabic for "supreme"

"supreme repetition of the sound of the bells bells bells the tintinnabulation of the bells"


Debel Iteritas Alia manual


What's in the box:

    • Module
    • Power cable
    • Micro USB cable
We no longer include screws with newly packaged modules. Bulk screws are available for purchase.
Noise Engineering Debel Iteritas Alia  次回入荷分

販売価格: 61,013円 [通常販売価格: 62,900円]

重さ: 1lb

Face Plate 色:

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