Tenderfoot Electronics QQ2 - Quad Quantizer 2 

New for 2023 is the complete overhaul of our popular Quad Quantizer module, now featuring an easy-to-read OLED menu, and illuminated buttons for quick scale editing.

4 Quantizer channels handling CV from -3V to +7V.
All Channels output both quantized CV and trigger signals.
CV input can be read continually or triggered by the trigger input of each channel.
42 built-in scales to choose from via the OLED menu system.
12 illuminated buttons to program and change scales quickly on the fly.
Each of the 4 channels can be assigned to one of 4 currently active scales, meaning all channels can follow a single scale, or each channel can follow a different scale.
Fast and clear user interface to make the QQ2 great to use for live performance and recording.
2 assignable mod channels that can control octave, pre-quantization CV transposition, post-quantization CV transposition (Key changing), and scale assignment.

HP = 12
Depth = 33mm

Current Draw:
Normal use:
+12V = 143mA
+5V = 0mA
-12V = 25mA

Wifi firmware update process:
+12V = 210mA
+5V = 0mA
-12V = 25mA
Tenderfoot Electronics QQ2 - Quad Quantizer 2 

販売価格: 49,373円 [通常販売価格: 50,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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