Maneco Labs GRONE GENESIS (Eurorack)
This eurorack module is the latest addition to Grone family, as an introductory device to the wonders of drone textures, easy to operate and capable of many different sonic colours.
It includes:
● 4 drone oscillators , blendable and with a global pitch control, and switchable pitch modulation
● Noise generator with mix control
● Transistor ladder Moog VCF with external input and external CV modulation
● Analog voiced delay , capable of self oscillation
● 2 Low frequency oscillators , one with square and triangle selectable for modulating filter, the other with triangle wave dedicated to delay time modulation.
● Output overdrive/distortion for destroying resulting audio.
Oscillators :
O1 , O2 , O3, O4 : frequency controls for 4 oscillators 1-2 mix , 3-4 mix : level for 1-2 and 3-4 oscillator pairs Pitch: global tune for 4 oscillators with external cv control. Modulation Toggle switch
Transistor ladder filter :
Cut : main filter frequency cutoff Mod : LFO 1 modulation amount Rez : regeneration for filter peak
Noise level :
White noise generator blend with oscillators
Delay :
Time : delay time control , up to around 600 ms Fback : delay repeat or recirculation Delay : blend of delayed signal with dry signal Mod : LFO 2 time modulation amount
Output distortion :
Overdrive : clipping amount Out : global audio output level
Low frequency Oscillator 1 :
LFO1 : lfo1 speed for modulating filter.
TRI-SQR toggle : selects square wave or triangle wave
Low frequency Oscillator 2 :
LFO2 : lfo2 speed for modulating delay time
Jack connectors :
Pitch : global tune modulation for oscillators , if a signal is connected here, pitch potentiometers controls modulation amount F in : external input for Voltage Controlled Filter F out : independent output for Voltage Controlled Filter Filter CV : voltage control for filter cut frequency OUT : main audio output
size : 24 HP Power consumption: +12v 80 milliamps , -12v 10 milliamps
It includes:
● 4 drone oscillators , blendable and with a global pitch control, and switchable pitch modulation
● Noise generator with mix control
● Transistor ladder Moog VCF with external input and external CV modulation
● Analog voiced delay , capable of self oscillation
● 2 Low frequency oscillators , one with square and triangle selectable for modulating filter, the other with triangle wave dedicated to delay time modulation.
● Output overdrive/distortion for destroying resulting audio.
Oscillators :
O1 , O2 , O3, O4 : frequency controls for 4 oscillators 1-2 mix , 3-4 mix : level for 1-2 and 3-4 oscillator pairs Pitch: global tune for 4 oscillators with external cv control. Modulation Toggle switch
Transistor ladder filter :
Cut : main filter frequency cutoff Mod : LFO 1 modulation amount Rez : regeneration for filter peak
Noise level :
White noise generator blend with oscillators
Delay :
Time : delay time control , up to around 600 ms Fback : delay repeat or recirculation Delay : blend of delayed signal with dry signal Mod : LFO 2 time modulation amount
Output distortion :
Overdrive : clipping amount Out : global audio output level
Low frequency Oscillator 1 :
LFO1 : lfo1 speed for modulating filter.
TRI-SQR toggle : selects square wave or triangle wave
Low frequency Oscillator 2 :
LFO2 : lfo2 speed for modulating delay time
Jack connectors :
Pitch : global tune modulation for oscillators , if a signal is connected here, pitch potentiometers controls modulation amount F in : external input for Voltage Controlled Filter F out : independent output for Voltage Controlled Filter Filter CV : voltage control for filter cut frequency OUT : main audio output
size : 24 HP Power consumption: +12v 80 milliamps , -12v 10 milliamps
Maneco Labs GRONE GENESIS (Eurorack)

販売価格: 35,793円 [通常販売価格: 36,900円]
重さ: 1lb