a versatile fuzz device , true stereo and with powerful tone shaping capabilities
Main features:
True Stereo operation
Silicon Transistors gain stage.
Big Muff tone stack
Buffered clickless Bypass
Input gain for fine tuning distortion quality, also adapting for wide range of input signals
Bass, guitar , drum machines and synthesizer friendly
9v standard power supply, center tip negative
Controls :
In Gain : controls input to the distortion stage , post buffer, for setting how hard audio signal drives the fuzz stage , allowing for different amounts of distortion and adapting to all kind of signal sources , from guitar to synths
Tone : Big Muff style tone stack , counterclockwise emphasizes low frequencies , clockwise high frequencies en center adds a mid scoop response.
level : controls final volume, allowing for balancing between distortion level and bypass level.
Main features:
True Stereo operation
Silicon Transistors gain stage.
Big Muff tone stack
Buffered clickless Bypass
Input gain for fine tuning distortion quality, also adapting for wide range of input signals
Bass, guitar , drum machines and synthesizer friendly
9v standard power supply, center tip negative
Controls :
In Gain : controls input to the distortion stage , post buffer, for setting how hard audio signal drives the fuzz stage , allowing for different amounts of distortion and adapting to all kind of signal sources , from guitar to synths
Tone : Big Muff style tone stack , counterclockwise emphasizes low frequencies , clockwise high frequencies en center adds a mid scoop response.
level : controls final volume, allowing for balancing between distortion level and bypass level.

販売価格: 39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
重さ: 1lb