Noise Engineering Roucha Legio

Stereo resonant multimode filter with wavefolding, 1v/8va tracking, and gateable bypass 

Roucha Legio is a 12 dB /octave state-variable stereo multimode filter available on the Legio DSP+oscillator platform.

We’ve gotten tons of requests for NE filters over the years, and Roucha Legio is our first dedicated release. The filter features lowpass, bandpass, and highpass settings and tracks frequency via the dedicated encoder and extremely accurate 1v/8va CV input. Roucha Legio’s CV-controlled resonance parameter can go from clean to acidy-squelchy for bassline joy. Add CV for filter sweeps that will knock your socks off. Of course, because it’s a Noise Engineering module, there’s a Fold knob. Add wavefolding to the signal chain before, after, or both before and after the filter.

We really like dramatic buildups and cuts, so we made it easy with Roucha Legio. Just tap the encoder to bypass; tap again to turn the filter on again. Want to automate it? Send a gate into the Bypass input. The filter will remain bypassed as long as a high gate is present.

Roucha Legio is also a DSP and oscillator platform: users can change the firmware on any Legio module, 100% free, to any other firmware in the Legio series. And if you know us, you know we have a lot of ideas coming for this platform. 

Size and Power

  • 6HP Eurorack
  • +12v: 140mA
  • -12v: 22mA

Roucha – from Latin: “clothes”

Legio – from Latin: “legion, army”

"A lot of folded clothes"

Roucha Legio manual

What's in the box
  • Module
  • Power cable
  • Micro USB cable
Noise Engineering Roucha Legio

販売価格: 49,373円 [通常販売価格: 50,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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