Black Noise Modular SALLEN KEY

SALLEN KEY is our tribute of the legendary MS-20 filter.
We've tried our best to honor this unique and iconic filter.

It’s composed of a 2 Poles Low Pass and a 1 Pole High Pass.
Unlike the original we add a crossader allowing you to blend the Low Pass and High Pass filters to create complex filtering.

What make this filter special it is non linear feedback path.
This design avoid the filter to clipping when self-oscillating, but also give it is unique color.
We’ve choose to integrate LED’s instead of diodes. It not only slighlty change the color of the resonance but also give nice feeback information about the drive of the resonance path.

Since SALLEN KEY can self-oscillate it can be use as sound source. Tracking is accurate across 6 octaves.

Panel Width

Module Depth
20mm (skiff friendly)

Power Consumption
+12V : 18mA
-12V : 18mA
+5V : 0mA



Black Noise Modular SALLEN KEY

販売価格: 23,183円 [通常販売価格: 23,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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