2hp Seq

Seq is a 16 step sequencer that is great for controlling oscillators, filters, and anything with a CV input. Portamento, length and playback mode can be adjusted, allowing for versatile, and performable sequences.

An eight LED display provides clear feedback for each parameter, keeping the interface as simple as possible while boasting a full feature set.

Adjustable sequence length from 1 to 16 steps
Multiple playback modes (forward, reverse, pendulum, random)
Variable portamento
Quantized or unquantized output
8 preset scales
Easy to use tuning interface
8 LED display for user feedback
Saves pitch values and settings between power cycles
2hp Seq

販売価格: 20,273円 [通常販売価格: 20,900円]

重さ: 1lb

Face Plate 色:

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