2hp Loop -Sound On Sound Looper 次回入荷分

Loop is a high fidelity looper with four unique recording modes and an intuitive user interface. It can capture up to five minutes of audio with reverse, and half-speed playback accessible. Each recording can use one of four modes: Sound on Sound, Dub, Replace, and Infinite (i.e. Frippertronics). Whether you're looking for minimal part layering, or full blown ambient soundscapes, Loop will take your patch for a ride.

• High fidelity audio - 24-bit, 48kHz with five minutes of recording time
• Four recording modes: Sound on sound, Dub, Replace, and Frippertronics
• Intuitive interface
• Half speed and reverse playback

Getting Started with Loop

Tech Specs:

Width: 2HP

Depth: 42mm

Current Consumption: +12V=83mA, -12V=8mA, +5V=0mA
2hp Loop -Sound On Sound Looper 次回入荷分

販売価格: 24,900円

重さ: 1lb

Face Plate 色:

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