Maneco Labs FILTER EKO (eurorack)

8bits loop delay
Based on vintage ehx16 seconds delay
Modulation with 8 waveforms
Ms20 low pass VCF
Extra Dub Delay in filter feedback
Reverse , slow and hold/infinite
Up to 64 seconds delay time

This module is based around an 8 bit looper / delay , an MS20 Voltage controlled filter and a second dub delay in the filter feedback. Modulation capabilities are covered by a multi waveform LFO.

8 bit looping delay section:

Inspired by old school delay lines from the eighties, like Electro Harmonix sixteen seconds delay vintage and PDS 8000 digitech delay , features an all analog signal path for preemphasis/de-emphasis, companding and antialiasing filters , being digital only in analog to digital and digital to analog conversion and memory management .

maximum delay /loop length is around 60 seconds , dependent on slow toggle and time pot settings. Controls and operation:

rec/tap push button sets time or recording cycle, blinks blue for indicating loop start or delay tempo , turns red with one touch to set delay length , another touch to end recording or tempo setting.

Infinite push button: when blue, freezes delay line memory content, when led is off allows for “sound on sound” overdub , each recirculation, set by feedback pot degrades recorded signal and allows for incoming audio to be overdubbed on delay memory content.

Reverse toggle: plays delay memory content backwards, overdub incoming audio is recorded forward and that behavior is inverted by the toggle switch position Slow toggle : doubles or halves sampling rate , thus doubling halving delay length / pitch. Time pot : Changes sampling rate continuously , thus changing delay time/pitch . Feedback pot : sets delay line recirculation, thus determining delays repeats and overdub level . Self oscillates in maximum settings .

Blend pot : sets mixing balance between dry signal and delay output , from 100% dry to 100% wet.

Mod pot : controls modulation amount from multi waveform LFO.

MS20 filter section:

Classic low pass VCF from 70’s Korg synthesisers Controls:

Cut-Off frequency for the low pass operation.

Rez : Filter resonance , self oscillates at higher settings.

MOD: Modulation amount from multi waveform LFO.

Dub delay section:

short analog voiced digital delay routed in the feedback path from filter.

Controls :

Delay time : maximum around 600 ms.

EKO : Delay amount and feedback level for filter feedback Multi Waveform LFO :

Controls for Rate and waveform selection .

LFO sync Toggle : allows Synchronization from tempo led , restarting lfo cycle from each tap blink.

Input Preamp :

Controls for Gain and Level :
Inspired by Korg SDD 3000 delay input preamp, famous by The Edge usage as input stage for guitar signal, includes a dedicated output thus allowing to use this as an instrument conditioner to eurorack levels.

-22mA / -12V

+100mA / +12V
Maneco Labs FILTER EKO (eurorack)

販売価格: 62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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