Instruō [1]F FADER MODULE 次回入荷分

| wuhnmf | noun (utility) because one is one.

The Instruō [1]f is a crossfader, attenuator, attenuverter, and manual DC offset.
Whether you want to crossfade between two audio signals, attenuate an envelope, invert a sawtooth LFO for ramped modulation, or use a DC offset to access the Mod parameters of your arbhar, [1]f is the perfect multi-utility for all of your CV processing tasks.

• Crossfader
• Attenuator & Attenuverter
• Unipolar positive or unipolar negative DC offset
• DC coupled for both audio and control voltage processing
• Bicolour LED indication of output voltage

2HP 27mm
+12V: 8mA -12V: 8mA
Instruō [1]F FADER MODULE 次回入荷分

販売価格: 21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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