Dusty Clouds MATHS Alternative panel Matte Black / Gold

Panel Only, Module not included...
an alternative black panel for the legendary Maths (V2) from Make Noise.

clean look, straight lines and some basic geometrical shapes.

The panel is made of PCB with matte black solder mask. The exposed copper is coated using the ENIG-RoHS (Nickel and Gold) finish for extra durability and nice golden color.

**Disclaimer | Before you buy** This is not an official Make Noise product. You are fully responsible for any damage you cause to your module, other gear or your self while handling, installing or using the parts that we offer. There are many through hole parts on the module that are soldered in a way that may lead to small center point offsets from one module to another. The panels are made with a margin at the holes to make it easier for you to install them, but again, be careful. we take no responsibility. The panels are made of PCB so there will be minor imperfections on the silk screen, or the solder mask, the holes, the cuts etc.. In fact, it’s really rare for a PCB panel not to have imperfections. This has to do with the manufacturing process and the materials that are used.
Dusty Clouds MATHS Alternative panel Matte Black / Gold

販売価格: 7,663円 [通常販売価格: 7,900円]


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