Maneco Labs Otterley - Reverb pedal 次回入荷分

Otterley Reverb

Otterley is a rich dual reverb, but with simple operations.
It includes two engines, reverb one, controlled by just a knob but with rich and atmospheric flavor , and reverb two , a reverse reverb with several associated parameters.
Despite its complexity, operation is quite simple, no menus, no switches, no hidden functions.

Description of controls:
● Reverb 1 :one knob level and size control for first engine, as level increases also does size and modulation complexity for this lush component.
● Reverb 2 : reverse reverb engine blend control , from dry to full wet.
● Feedback : regeneration for Reverb 2 , from zero to almost self oscillation.
● Delay: time and size for reverse component, from almost immediate to dry signal to quasi reverse delay character , for reverb 2
● Grain : density for reverb 2 , from identifiable reverb grains to blurred sound strokes at maximum.
● Pitch : relative pitch for reverb two, unison at center , two octaves up at maximum and two octaves low at minimum , if used in conjunction with feedback can provide spiral up or spiral down effects, as each recirculation will get pitch transposed again.
● Bypass: electronic buffered bypass, with slight decay at off for non abrupt transition.(on pedal version)
Maneco Labs Otterley - Reverb pedal 次回入荷分

販売価格: 39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]

重さ: 2lb


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