Instruō Lion - Matrix Mixer


The Instruō lìon is a 6×6 matrix mixer with a pin style interface similar to those found on iconic modular synthesizers of the 1970s. Its applications range from signal routing and effect insert functionality to true summing with cascaded attenuation capabilities.

Live patching made easy with the use of the included pin and
insert cables.

Need to patch to a new destination? Simply pin your patch on the fly.

Centralise your I/O network with lìon.

lìon noun (networking) an open-meshed form, twisted, knotted or woven together at regular intervals, a group of communication stations operating under unified control.





Depth: 27mm


+12V: 30mA
–12V: 30mA


  • 6×6 pin-style matrix mixer
  • Send & return insert capabilities
  • True summing
  • Passive multiple functionality
  • Cascaded attenuation through channels 3-6
  • Includes 10 pin cables
  • Includes 2 insert cables (black = send, gold = return)


The Instruō lìon is a 6×6 matrix mixer with a pin style interface similar to those found on iconic modular synthesizers of the 1970s. Its applications range from signal routing and effect insert functionality to true summing with cascaded attenuation capabilities.

Live patching made easy with the use of the included pin and
insert cables.

Need to patch to a new destination? Simply pin your patch on the fly.

Centralise your I/O network with lìon.

Instruō Lion - Matrix Mixer

販売価格: 54,223円 [通常販売価格: 55,900円]


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