XOR Electronics NERDSEQ – More Triggers 16 Expander 

This is the Trigger 16 Expander for the NerdSEQ

It adds 16 additional Triggers/Gates to the NerdSEQ.

The triggers feature all functions of the local triggers.
Next to the IO-Expander there can be up to 4 additional expanders connected to the NerdSEQ.
Please check the following video to see how it is integrated in the NerdSEQ workflow.

This is no standalone product! It works only together with the NerdSEQ.

The Trigger expander will be delivered with a ribbon cable for the interconnection.

XOR Electronics NERDSEQ – More Triggers 16 Expander 

販売価格: 29,973円 [通常販売価格: 30,900円]

重さ: 1lb

Face Plate 色:

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