Winter Modular Eloquencer CV/Gate シーケンサー 

Eloquencerは、パフォーマンスと作曲の両方のツールとして使用できる強力で多用途のユーロラックシーケンサーです。 直感的で使いやすく、すばやく編集できるように設計されています。 「制御されたチャンス」の概念に基づいて構築されています。 これはランダム性がいつどこで発生し、このランダム性がシーケンスにどの程度影響するかを決定できることを意味します。 16ステップの配置で8トラックのCVとゲートを備えていますが、より多くの小節数またはチェーンパターンを定義して、それぞれ256ステップの複数のソングパーツを構築できます。

The Eloquencer is a powerful and versatile eurorack sequencer that can be used both as a performance and a composition tool. It’s designed to be intuitive, easy to use, and quick to edit. It has been built around the “controlled chance” concept. This means you can decide when and where there will be randomness and how much this randomness will affect your sequences. It features 8 tracks of CVs and Gates in a 16 step disposition, but with the ability to define larger bar counts or chaining patterns to build multiple song parts of 256 steps each.

Gate probability independent for each step or track.
CV, CV Variation Probability, and CV Variation Range adjustable for each step or track.
Gate Lenght, Gate Length Variation Probability, and Gate Variation Range adjustable for each step or track.
Ratcheting Type, Ratcheting Probability, and Ratcheting Variation Probability adjustable for each step or track.
Tempo and shuffle adjust
CV Outputs quantizable in tone / scale
Different step modes ( forward, backward, pendulum, random) independent for each track and pattern.
Track length independent for each track and pattern
Track shifting independent for each track or a group of tracks.
Fill in mode (pressing the track buttons will fill all the gates of the desired tracks).
Quantized (time and pitch) Live recording (Cvs and Gates)
Free play mode (using the step buttons keyboard)
Song Mode (64 songs parts can be build, each song part contains a sequence of 16 patterns; a song can be build chaining up to 256 song parts)
LFO Mode (not available in the first release)
Mod Mode (not available in the first release)
Mute Mode
Randomize function to create a pattern, or do partial changes
Cvs and Gates can be unlinked to have two independent channels
CV inputs can be assigned to many parameters ( Step and probabilities, Mute, Fill in, track shift…)
Duplicate function to create different patterns while editing in step modes.
Freeze and revert function – Create a screenshot of your pattern, modify it, and go back to the previous freezed pattern
Master track concept – The change of pattern or the synchronization of tracks to its first step, occurs when the master trach reach its end. The master track can be a track, or an internal clock that can be configurated between 1 and 64 steps.
Release Reset track – A track can be release from its relation to the master track, so it won’t reset everytime the master track reach its end.
Integrated microSD card reader to save projects, do back ups of your projects, and have different cards with different sets.
Open Source – the program can be modified using the Arduino IDE and a USB cable. (code will not be available in first release for aesthetic reasons)
8 V/oct CV Output
8 Trigger / Gate Output
Reset Input
External Clock Input (configurable. i.e: can be used as a clock divider / multiplier)
Accent Output (configurable)
Clock Output (configurable. i.e: can be used as a clock divider / multiplier)
2 CV Input (assignable to different parameters)



  • 別売りMIDIエクスパンション
  • 別売りMIDIエクスパンション
Winter Modular Eloquencer CV/Gate シーケンサー 



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