Make Noise XOH ステレオ・ヘッドフォン アウトプットモジュール 次回入荷分

Make Noise XOH ステレオ・ヘッドフォン アウトプットモジュール

The XOH (miX Out Headphone) music synthesizer module is a stereo mixer, headphone amplifier and output interfacing module for your modular synthesizer. It consists of two stereo input channels with independent level controls, and two stereo outputs: one pair of independent line level left and right outputs at unity gain; and one TRS headphone or line level output with dedicated level control.

Works well with stereo modules: Erbe-Verb, Morphagene, QPAS, X-PAN, Mimeophon
Two mono/stereo input channels, ChA & ChB
Independent level controls for ChA & Ch B
Two stereo outputs containing A/B mix
Independent unity gain L/R Line Level outputs
TRS Headphone and Line Level output with level control (same line drive circuit used in the CV Bus Case)
Adjust Modular Level signals down to Line Level with soft Limiting to protect your ears and line level gear
Width: 6hp
Max Depth: 24mm
40mA@ +12V
40mA @ -12V


Make Noise XOH ステレオ・ヘッドフォン アウトプットモジュール 次回入荷分

販売価格: 18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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