BEFACO HEXMIX & HEXPANDER 6チャンネルミキサー & エクスパンダー
BEFACO HEXMIX & HEXPANDER 6チャンネルミキサー & エクスパンダー
BEFACO HEXMIX 6チャンネル パフォーマンスミキサー EQ/ミュート/パニング
6-channel performance mixer with EQs mutes and Pan
Hexmix System is a six channel performance mixer specially designed for Eurorack.
The system has two separate modules, the core of the mixer: Hexmix that has six channels with three band EQ, mute, pan and EQ section on the master, and Hexpander that add three auxiliar sends per channel, PFL, individual outs and balanced output.
The mixer has a strong inspiration in classical DJ mixers, providing sharp EQ’s for enhanced performance, auxilliar send for effects and individual outputs to record your performance per channel.
The unique Mute Section is a powerful tool for performances, providing a momentary mute function controlled by vactrols and adding a smooth release to the signal decay.
The system is designed to be placed in 6U, instead of the traditional 3U paradigm in Eurorack. So we will have every feature for each channel vertically as a convetional tabletop mixing deck.
This is a six channels mixer with three band EQ, vactrol mutes, pan and volume control per channel.
Inputs for every channel are located at left side of Hexmix. Each jack is normalized to a VCA Expander connection in the back, so if you have a Hexmix VCA , you will have the output of each VCA to every input. connecting a jack in any input will disconnect whatever is coming from VCA.
The signal passes through various process before being sent to the master section. All of this process are located and controlled at each Channel Strip.
The Channel Strip is divided in four basic sections, that will go in the following order: Gain, Mute, EQ and Pan.
Master section has it’s own EQ and volume control for the mix of all channels. Master EQ is software than individual channel’s and it’s meant to provide control over the final mix.
It’s possible to change output level from line to synth wit ha switch located in the back.
106 mA +12V
88 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
27 mm deep
Hexmix expander with 3 aux sends, PFL, individual outs per channel and master balanced out
Hexpander adds great functionality to Hexmix module. Featuring Three aux send with auxiliary returns, individual outputs for each channel, complete PFL system and balanced output.
Hexpander is designed to be placed on top of Hexmix. Expanding eurorack concept to 6u, allow every channel to be aligned as in traditional tabletop mixers.
For every channel you have three auxiliar sends. One pot will measure the amount of signal sent to each of them.
Every auxiliar send has a volume pot, that will measure the level of the signal sent. There are two jacks available so it is possible to send the signal pre or post fader/EQ in parallel.
Returns are stereo, having a switch to select if the signal is coming from synth or line level. Like this levels can be set properly, for example, either to a guitar pedal or a FX module at synth level.
Hexpander features a complete PFL system, to send channels to the headphones before you add them to main mix.
Flip PFL switch to send that channel to the headphones out. With PFL/Master Pot you can do a crossfade between the master signal and every channel sent to PFL. Headphones out will control headphones volume.
Level meter will show the level of the sum of all active PFLs. When there is no PFL active, it will show master level.
Every channel has individual 6,5" jacks out at line level.Here you heve the signal of every channel post EQ.
As an addition, you have master balanced output.
137 mA +12V
64 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
27 mm deep
BEFACO HEXMIX 6チャンネル パフォーマンスミキサー EQ/ミュート/パニング
6-channel performance mixer with EQs mutes and Pan
Hexmix System is a six channel performance mixer specially designed for Eurorack.
The system has two separate modules, the core of the mixer: Hexmix that has six channels with three band EQ, mute, pan and EQ section on the master, and Hexpander that add three auxiliar sends per channel, PFL, individual outs and balanced output.
The mixer has a strong inspiration in classical DJ mixers, providing sharp EQ’s for enhanced performance, auxilliar send for effects and individual outputs to record your performance per channel.
The unique Mute Section is a powerful tool for performances, providing a momentary mute function controlled by vactrols and adding a smooth release to the signal decay.
The system is designed to be placed in 6U, instead of the traditional 3U paradigm in Eurorack. So we will have every feature for each channel vertically as a convetional tabletop mixing deck.
This is a six channels mixer with three band EQ, vactrol mutes, pan and volume control per channel.
Inputs for every channel are located at left side of Hexmix. Each jack is normalized to a VCA Expander connection in the back, so if you have a Hexmix VCA , you will have the output of each VCA to every input. connecting a jack in any input will disconnect whatever is coming from VCA.
The signal passes through various process before being sent to the master section. All of this process are located and controlled at each Channel Strip.
The Channel Strip is divided in four basic sections, that will go in the following order: Gain, Mute, EQ and Pan.
Master section has it’s own EQ and volume control for the mix of all channels. Master EQ is software than individual channel’s and it’s meant to provide control over the final mix.
It’s possible to change output level from line to synth wit ha switch located in the back.
106 mA +12V
88 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
27 mm deep
Hexmix expander with 3 aux sends, PFL, individual outs per channel and master balanced out
Hexpander adds great functionality to Hexmix module. Featuring Three aux send with auxiliary returns, individual outputs for each channel, complete PFL system and balanced output.
Hexpander is designed to be placed on top of Hexmix. Expanding eurorack concept to 6u, allow every channel to be aligned as in traditional tabletop mixers.
For every channel you have three auxiliar sends. One pot will measure the amount of signal sent to each of them.
Every auxiliar send has a volume pot, that will measure the level of the signal sent. There are two jacks available so it is possible to send the signal pre or post fader/EQ in parallel.
Returns are stereo, having a switch to select if the signal is coming from synth or line level. Like this levels can be set properly, for example, either to a guitar pedal or a FX module at synth level.
Hexpander features a complete PFL system, to send channels to the headphones before you add them to main mix.
Flip PFL switch to send that channel to the headphones out. With PFL/Master Pot you can do a crossfade between the master signal and every channel sent to PFL. Headphones out will control headphones volume.
Level meter will show the level of the sum of all active PFLs. When there is no PFL active, it will show master level.
Every channel has individual 6,5" jacks out at line level.Here you heve the signal of every channel post EQ.
As an addition, you have master balanced output.
137 mA +12V
64 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
27 mm deep
BEFACO HEXMIX & HEXPANDER 6チャンネルミキサー & エクスパンダー

販売価格: 139,583円 [通常販売価格: 143,900円]
重さ: 4lb