2hp MMF 次回入荷分

MMF is an analog, multimode filter with a 12dB per octave slope. Its sonic character swings all the way from classic low pass to squelchy acid lines. Simultaneous outputs of low pass, high pass, and band pass filter types are provided allowing for many variations of the input signal. Whether you’re looking for smooth and creamy, or resonant and wild, MMF can go there.

... Voltage controlled multi mode filter

... Analog filter topology

... 12dB per octave slope

... Low pass, high pass, and band pass outputs


Width: 2HP

Depth: 42mm (Skiff Friendly)

Power: +12V: +55mA, -12V: -55mA
2hp MMF 次回入荷分

販売価格: 20,900円

重さ: 1lb

Face Plate 色:

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