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Erica Synths Bass Drum 2 次回入荷分

Erica Synths Bass Drum is developed in collaboration with French company e-licktronic and it’s our take on analogue bass drum circuits adapted for modular systems. Massive, punchy sound, Accent, and CV control over key parameters of the module make it distinctively expressive in live performances.


  • Pitch, Tune, Tune Depth controls
  • Attack, Decay, Drive controls
  • CV control with attenuators over Pitch, Decay and Drive 
  • Manual trigger
  • Accent for better expression

The Bass Drum2 has a unique take on the same concept - 909 based like previously, but with a Trigger/Gate mode. When in Gate Mode - Bass Drum2 reacts to gated signals making it possible to create sustained drum sounds. By modulating the gate length (patch the Gate output of the preferred sequencer into Trigger input and set various gate lengths), you can design unconventional Bass Drum patterns.

Audio output level-5…+5V
CV level (full span)-5V - +5V
Trigger level5V
Trigger time1ms
Power consumption+40mA, -30mA
Module width14HP
Module depth35mm

Manuals book


Erica Synths Bass Drum 2 次回入荷分

販売価格: 44,523円 [通常販売価格: 45,900円]

重さ: 1lb


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