Rush PepBox by Pepe Rush オリジナル ブリティッシュ ファズ 


イギリス1960年代中期のFUZZ SOUND革命の中でGary HurstのTone Bender MK1と並び人気のあったWEM社のRUSH PEP BOX ファズ…

そのWEM RUSH PEP BOXのデザイナーは “Rush Electronics” の Pepe Rush…
当初はAmpやミキサーなどを作っていたPepe…、とあるレコーディングセッション中に仲間がFuzzペダルを持ってきた事がきっかけで自分でもFuzz pedalを作るようになる。当初は全てPepeによるハンドメイドで知り合いのアーティストたちに直売しているだけだったが、WEM社のCharlie Watkinsが関わるようになってからはビジネス的にも大きくなりより多くのプレイヤーに愛されるようになった…
デザインをしたPepe Rushは制作をWEM社側がするようになった後もコミッションをもらっていたが、その内WEM社側が払わなくなり、以降は関係を持たなくなった… WEM社側もFUZZの名前を少しずつ変えていき最終的にはPepeの名前も使われなくなっていった…

今回ここに紹介するのはなんとそのオリジナル”RUSH PEP BOX”のデザイナー PEPE RUSH本人とその娘のLUCY RUSHによるRe-issueモデル…

Lucy Rush本人の署名認証がつきます!

R.I.P. Pepe... 

We are one of the very few dealers that sells this "Original RUSH PEPBOX" in this entire globe...
Thanks to Pepe and Lucy at Rushamps for choosing us to sell this amazing Fuzz!

We would like to introduce you to the only authentic and authorized reissue of the legendary RUSH PEPBOX, one of the first wave of guitar effects pedals with the new "Fuzz" sound, designed and built in London in 1966 by the creator "Pepe Rush", owner of the Registered Trademark "RUSH PEPBOX".

The RUSH PEPBOX was used by a number of leading groups in the 60’s including The Beatles (who used one at Abbey Road during the recording of Revolver) The Shadows, The Animals and others. It comes with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Pepe Rush himself.

Built on a copy of the original printed circuit board using rare NOS (new old stock) germanium transistors, some of which are over 40 years old, to capture the unique original sound, and housed in a faithful recreation of the original wedge shaped welded steel enclosure with engraved panels, using a 9v battery, we have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that this reissue is as close to the originals as possible...

Unit comes with "Certificate of Authenticity" signed by Lucy Rush...

Message from Pepe's daughter Lucy Rush:
Pepe sadly passed away late 2018 I worked with my Dad on the real "Rush Pepbox" and I am continuing to make them. I still make them to the original invention and design from my dad, they are hand-built and hand-wired in the same worksop. The Genuine Original "Rush Pepbox" is made as close to the original 1965 design as possible using germanium transistors and from the original Pepe Rush drawings. ---Lucy Rush 2019

Rush PepBox by Pepe Rush オリジナル ブリティッシュ ファズ 

販売価格: 62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]


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