Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteritas 次回入荷分  

“repetitiousness of
Loquelic Iteritas is a three algorithm digital oscillator focusing on algorithms that have two pitches.
Four tone controls and two pitch controls give smooth parameterization of a massive space of tonality from calm modulations to face melting insanity.

Multiple-algorithm digital oscillator.

Loquelic - speech - from Latin loquela "speech"

Iteritas - repetitiousness - from Latin itero "repeat" with suffix -tas state of being"

Size: 10HP Eurorack
Depth: 1.5 Inches
Power: 2x8 Eurorack
Draw +12V: 150 / 80
Draw -12: 5 / 5
Draw +5v: 0 / 90


Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteritas 次回入荷分  

販売価格: 64,900円

重さ: 1lb

Face Plate 色:

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