Erica Synths Fusion Mixer V3
Erica Fusion dual Mixer module is designed to mix and overdrive audio signals on the vacuum tube.
Use Fusion Mixer as two independent 3-input mixers (also for stereo signal mixing) or 6-input mixer. Special feature of the Fusion Mixer – great tube overdrive effects when level knobs are set to 3 o’clock and above. When used with drum machines, it even emulates sidechain compressors. When used to mix signasl from VCOs Fusion Mixer works as waveshaper, especially, if pulse width modulated pulse signals is used in one of inputs.
6 audio inputs
Two independent 3-input mixer
Sum of all 6-inputs
Soft tube overdrive
Configurable power supply – standart eurorack +-12V conection OR eurorack +-12V plus Erica Synths Tube heater PSU
Technical specifications-
Input signal level : up to 20V ptp
Output signal level : 10V ptp
Mixer GAIN : 1
Power supply : bipolar +-12V , eurorack standard and Erica Synths 6VAC PSU
Tube heater PSU configuration: 10mA@+12V, 10mA@-12V, 300mA@6VAC
Power consumption: Eurorack PSU configuration: 160mA@+12V, 10mA@-12V
Module width: 14HP
Module depth: 25mm
Please, reffer to user manua belowl for possible power supply configurations
Use Fusion Mixer as two independent 3-input mixers (also for stereo signal mixing) or 6-input mixer. Special feature of the Fusion Mixer – great tube overdrive effects when level knobs are set to 3 o’clock and above. When used with drum machines, it even emulates sidechain compressors. When used to mix signasl from VCOs Fusion Mixer works as waveshaper, especially, if pulse width modulated pulse signals is used in one of inputs.
6 audio inputs
Two independent 3-input mixer
Sum of all 6-inputs
Soft tube overdrive
Configurable power supply – standart eurorack +-12V conection OR eurorack +-12V plus Erica Synths Tube heater PSU
Technical specifications-
Input signal level : up to 20V ptp
Output signal level : 10V ptp
Mixer GAIN : 1
Power supply : bipolar +-12V , eurorack standard and Erica Synths 6VAC PSU
Tube heater PSU configuration: 10mA@+12V, 10mA@-12V, 300mA@6VAC
Power consumption: Eurorack PSU configuration: 160mA@+12V, 10mA@-12V
Module width: 14HP
Module depth: 25mm
Please, reffer to user manua belowl for possible power supply configurations
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Erica Synths Fusion Mixer V3

販売価格: 44,523円 [通常販売価格: 45,900円]
重さ: 1lb