4ms Dual Looping Delay (DLD) ステレオ オーディオ プロセッサー 次回入荷分
Dual Looping Delay from 4ms Company, designed by 4ms and Gary Hall
The Dual Looping Delay (DLD) is an advanced audio processor for creative synthesis. Not a tape or analog emulation but a modern crystal-clear digital delay, the DLD combines features of delay, looping, and sample-tight synchronization for powerful and dynamic sound capture and modification. The DLD is designed to integrate seamlessly with modular timebase and sequencing devices such as the 4ms Quad Clock Distributor (QCD), etc.
What is a "Looping Delay"?
Modern looping devices grew directly from hardware digital delays of the late 70s and early 80s. A looping delay, modeled on units such as the classic Lexicon PCM42, has the very long storage times associated with dedicated looping, but without triggered record and playback functions.
By default, a looping delay records and plays continuously, though recording can be suspended at any time with Infinite Repeat. Sustain of delays and loops is mainly accomplished with regeneration, allowing an organic, evolving approach to sound creation as new material replaces old, more or less gradually. The 4ms Dual Looping Delay also provides advanced clock input and output facilities that allow for locking delayed and looped material with sequencers and rhythmic devices.
Key Features:
Two independent delay/loop channels, synchronized to a common time base
Almost 3 minutes delay/loop time per channel (2:54) in default storage mode (16-bit)
48kHz/16-bit sampling rate, option available for 24-bit storage
Extremely quiet, low noise and low jitter design
Normaled connections of input and output for flexible use in mono, stereo, or dual mode
Tap tempo button and clock Ping input set the basis for one "beat"
Delay/loop time set as a number of musical beats (or fractions of beats) using the Time knob, switch, and CV jack
Sample-accurate clock output for perfect synchronization
Loop clock outputs for each channel
Time switches change range of Time knob from 1/8th notes up to 32 bars
Digital feedback, up to 110%
Delay Level control, independent of dry/wet signal mix
Infinite Hold mode disables recording input and fixes regeneration at exactly 100%
Reverse mode plays memory contents backwards
With an infinite loop locked, knobs or CV can "window" around memory, by shifting the loop
Triggered toggle inputs for Infinite Hold and Reverse
Send and Return on each channel for feedback with external modules
CV jacks to control Time, Level, and Feedback
As new features are developed, firmware can be updated by playing an audio file into the DLD
20 HP Eurorack format module
0.98" (25mm) maximum depth with power cable
Power consumption:
+12V rail: 188mA max (jumper set to 5V)
-12V rail: 48mA max
+5V rail: not used
Connect red stripe of power cable towards the bottom of the module, which is marked with a white stripe and the words -12V and POWER
Audio Inputs
0Hz (DC) to 24kHz
16.8V peak-to-peak maximum before clipping (when AC coupled)
Optional jumper to choose DC or AC coupling on input.
Audio Outputs
0Hz (DC) to 24kHz with maximum -1.7dB difference between input and output (see technical specification section)
+10.5V to -10.5V maximum output
Soft limiting compression allows for saturation before clipping (can be disabled)
Clock outputs (Main, Loop A, Loop B):
0V to 8.2V
+/- 2.4us maximum jitter (i.e. 0.001% at 120 BPM)
Rise or Fall time: <1us
Pulse Width (Trigger mode) 22ms
Gate mode 50% (square wave)
At clock speeds faster than 22Hz, the clock output becomes 50% duty cycle
The Dual Looping Delay (DLD) is an advanced audio processor for creative synthesis. Not a tape or analog emulation but a modern crystal-clear digital delay, the DLD combines features of delay, looping, and sample-tight synchronization for powerful and dynamic sound capture and modification. The DLD is designed to integrate seamlessly with modular timebase and sequencing devices such as the 4ms Quad Clock Distributor (QCD), etc.
What is a "Looping Delay"?
Modern looping devices grew directly from hardware digital delays of the late 70s and early 80s. A looping delay, modeled on units such as the classic Lexicon PCM42, has the very long storage times associated with dedicated looping, but without triggered record and playback functions.
By default, a looping delay records and plays continuously, though recording can be suspended at any time with Infinite Repeat. Sustain of delays and loops is mainly accomplished with regeneration, allowing an organic, evolving approach to sound creation as new material replaces old, more or less gradually. The 4ms Dual Looping Delay also provides advanced clock input and output facilities that allow for locking delayed and looped material with sequencers and rhythmic devices.
Key Features:
Two independent delay/loop channels, synchronized to a common time base
Almost 3 minutes delay/loop time per channel (2:54) in default storage mode (16-bit)
48kHz/16-bit sampling rate, option available for 24-bit storage
Extremely quiet, low noise and low jitter design
Normaled connections of input and output for flexible use in mono, stereo, or dual mode
Tap tempo button and clock Ping input set the basis for one "beat"
Delay/loop time set as a number of musical beats (or fractions of beats) using the Time knob, switch, and CV jack
Sample-accurate clock output for perfect synchronization
Loop clock outputs for each channel
Time switches change range of Time knob from 1/8th notes up to 32 bars
Digital feedback, up to 110%
Delay Level control, independent of dry/wet signal mix
Infinite Hold mode disables recording input and fixes regeneration at exactly 100%
Reverse mode plays memory contents backwards
With an infinite loop locked, knobs or CV can "window" around memory, by shifting the loop
Triggered toggle inputs for Infinite Hold and Reverse
Send and Return on each channel for feedback with external modules
CV jacks to control Time, Level, and Feedback
As new features are developed, firmware can be updated by playing an audio file into the DLD
20 HP Eurorack format module
0.98" (25mm) maximum depth with power cable
Power consumption:
+12V rail: 188mA max (jumper set to 5V)
-12V rail: 48mA max
+5V rail: not used
Connect red stripe of power cable towards the bottom of the module, which is marked with a white stripe and the words -12V and POWER
Audio Inputs
0Hz (DC) to 24kHz
16.8V peak-to-peak maximum before clipping (when AC coupled)
Optional jumper to choose DC or AC coupling on input.
Audio Outputs
0Hz (DC) to 24kHz with maximum -1.7dB difference between input and output (see technical specification section)
+10.5V to -10.5V maximum output
Soft limiting compression allows for saturation before clipping (can be disabled)
Clock outputs (Main, Loop A, Loop B):
0V to 8.2V
+/- 2.4us maximum jitter (i.e. 0.001% at 120 BPM)
Rise or Fall time: <1us
Pulse Width (Trigger mode) 22ms
Gate mode 50% (square wave)
At clock speeds faster than 22Hz, the clock output becomes 50% duty cycle
* こちらの商品は在庫切れの場合、発送まで約1ヶ月かかる場合がございます。ご了承ください...
4ms Dual Looping Delay (DLD) ステレオ オーディオ プロセッサー 次回入荷分

販売価格: 65,863円 [通常販売価格: 67,900円]
重さ: 1lb