Thorpy FX ER-2 UNI-VIBE 次回入荷分
60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]
The ER-2 receives its name from NASAs high altitude, earth observing plane, which itself was derived…
Thorpy FX The CAMOFLANGE Flanger 要予約
The CAMOFLANGE Flanger was designed as a collaboration with DAN COGGINS (Former LOVETONE Pedal desig…
Thorpy FX The DEEP OGGIN Chorus/Vibrato 要予約
ディープ オギン コーラス/ヴィブラート DEEP OGGIN(ディープオーシャンというような意味)は幻の名ペダルデザイナーDAN COGGINS(元LOVETONEペダル!)とのコラボレーシ…
Thorpy FX THE DANE Overdrive and Booster 要予約
THE DANE is a creation designed to meet the exacting needs of Danish Pete. However due to the design…
Thorpy FX The VETERAN (Si) V2 Vintage Fuzz and Boost 要予約
As the third Pedal in our "Vintage Reimagined" Series ThorpyFX presents the Veteran (Silicon) NATO E…
Thorpy FX The TEAM MEDIC Buffer, EQ, Boost and Boost + 要予約
The TEAM MEDIC is designed to be the most versatile pedal around. It is designed to suit all guitars…
Thorpy FX The FAT GENERAL Parallel Compressor V2 要予約
The FAT GENERAL is an evolution of the critically acclaimed OTC-201 compressor. ThorpyFx and the ori…
Thorpy FX The PEACEKEEPER Low Gain Overdrive V2 要予約
The PEACEKEEPER is our take on a low gain overdrive designed to suit all guitars and all amps whilst…
Thorpy FX The GUNSHOT Overdrive V2 要予約
The GUNSHOT was designed to be the overdrive to beat all others. Sonically most overdrives can sound…
Thorpy FX The WARTHOG Distortion 要予約
The WARTHOG started off being designed to be the distortion to beat all others; however it ended up …
Thorpy FX The FALLOUT CLOUD Fuzz 要予約
I was asked to create the FALLOUT CLOUD by a number of vintage pedal enthusiasts I know. They were a…
Thopy FX はイギリス陸軍でフルキャリアを終えた Adrian Thorpe(エイドリアンソーピー)氏によって2014年に設立されました。
最近では元LOVETONE PEDALのデザイナーのDAN COGGINSとのコラボデザインなどが話題になっている