Trogotronic F241 Transformutron 次回入荷分
32,883円 [通常販売価格: 33,900円]
F241 Transformutron w/USA PSU What if anything that “needed” it could have the molten musk of the…
Trogotronic WaveWraith 673 Analog Tube Synth Console 要予約
103,693円 [通常販売価格: 106,900円]
Model 625 Antidote Analog MiniSynth + Worldwide Power Supply Clandestine Projects go by many stra…
Trogotronic ms657 Mini Mutant 次回入荷分
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
In times of fascist extremism analog ordnance must be as accessible as a monkey wrench. Audio armame…
Trogotronic ms669 Mini Synth 次回入荷分
60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]
From leviathan drones to intuitive blistering staccato attacks the 669cv Boss Hog’s breadth of sonic…
Trogotronic TR-Valkyrie 要予約
224,943円 [通常販売価格: 231,900円]
Death from above with a high voltage shriek: TR-Valkyrie marks, destroys, and parties upon arrival i…