Intellijel Designs Atlx 次回入荷分
10,573円 [通常販売価格: 10,900円]
AtlxAtlantix ExpanderPatching HeavenAdds 14 dedicated ouputs and a Ring Mod to the already powerful …
Intellijel Designs Atlantix 次回入荷分
113,393円 [通常販売価格: 116,900円]
AtlantixDual Oscillator Subtractive Analog Synth VoiceIt's MassiveThe Atlantix is a complete analog …
Intellijel Designs Sealegs
71,683円 [通常販売価格: 73,900円]
Multi-Model Stereo Character Delay with ReverbIt's all gone a bit wobblySealegs is a collection of e…
Intellijel Designs Tangrams
38,703円 [通常販売価格: 39,900円]
Dual ADSR/VCA with Cycling Gate PulsersPush (or Pulse) the EnvelopeSnappy, classically analog envelo…
Intellijel Designs Stomp 次回入荷分
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
Effects Pedal Send/Return w/Expression Control & LFOPut Your Pedal to the MetalExpand your palet…
Intellijel Designs Cascadia Semi Modular Synthesizer 次回入荷分
344,253円 [通常販売価格: 354,900円]
CascadiaAdvanced, Performance-Oriented, Semi-Modular SynthesizerENJOY Intellijel's first Semi Modula…
Intellijel Designs Flurry
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
Flurry Noise, Clock/Random Pulse, S&H/T&H, and Slew/Envelope FollowerA veritable storm …
Intellijel Designs Amps
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
AmpsDual, Multi-Function and Chainable VCAGet AmpedAmps contains two precision linear VCAs that have…
Intellijel Designs Quad VCA
30,943円 [通常販売価格: 31,900円]
Quad voltage controlled amplifier and cascaded mixer The Quad VCA is a compact and feature packed mo…
Intellijel Quadrax Quad Function/Burst Generator/LFO with CV Matrix
59,073円 [通常販売価格: 60,900円]
Whether you are exploring the unique channel functions, CV modulation matrix or chaining options, it…
Intellijel Designs Bifold デュアルチャンネル Wavefolder
Into the FoldsBifold is a unique dual channel wavefolder with numerous feedback and routing options …
Intellijel Designs Plonk
55,193円 [通常販売価格: 56,900円]
Plonk Physical modeling percussion synthesizer Plonk uses a technique known as physical modellin…
Intellijel Designs Shifty
30,943円 [通常販売価格: 31,900円]
Shifty Voice Allocator / Note Hocketing / Analog Shift Register The Shifty is essentially a combin…
Intellijel Designs Cylonix Rainmaker
100,783円 [通常販売価格: 103,900円]
Cylonix Rainmaker 16-tap stereo spectral rhythm delay and comb resonator The Intellijel/Cylonix …
Intellijel Designs Metropolix 次回入荷分
91,083円 [通常販売価格: 93,900円]
The Intellijel Metropolix is a unique and powerful multitrack Eurorack musical sequencer. With an ab…
Intellijel Designs Gx -Gate Expander
12,513円 [通常販売価格: 12,900円]
Open up the gatesExpand the functionality of the modules like Metropolix with eight additional gate/…
Intellijel Designs Scales
46,463円 [通常販売価格: 47,900円]
Scales Dual Channel Note Quantizer and Sequencer Make Anything Musical Your modular system is a…
Intellijel Designs Planar ll
55,193円 [通常販売価格: 56,900円]
Recordable Vector Joystick Modulator Joy The most complex modulator is you. The Planar 2 puts ma…
Intellijel Designs Audio I/O
41,613円 [通常販売価格: 42,900円]
Audio I/O (2023)Dual/Stereo Eurorack / Balanced Line Level Audio InterfaceBetter TogetherDual Balanc…
Intellijel Designs Triplatt
TriplattTriple Attenuator / Inverter / Attenuverter / Multiplier / Adder / Mixer / DC Voltage Source…
Intellijel Designs Tetrapad
47,433円 [通常販売価格: 48,900円]
Tetrapad Multi-Dimensional Performance Touch Controller Tetrapad is a versatile, multi-dimensional,…
Intellijel Designs Tête - Tetrapad エキスパンダー
Tête Adds Looping/Sequencing, CV control, and Presets to the Tetrapad Intelligence for your…
Intellijel Designs Steppy
38,703円 [通常販売価格: 39,900円]
A Compact Module with Room to Play Steppy is a 4-track programmable gate sequencer with eight inter…
Intellijel Designs Dixie II +
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
FULL-FEATURED TRIANGLE CORE VCO/LFO The Dixie II+ is a larger variant of the classic Dixie II. Us…
Intellijel Designs Polaris
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
Polaris Versatile Multimode VCF + Phaser The Polaris is a 4-stage cascaded OTA filter designed by …
Intellijel Designs Buff Mult
12,513円 [通常販売価格: 12,900円]
Buff MultBuffered MultipleMighty MultiplierMultiply one audio/CV signal into six perfect copies or t…
Intellijel Designs Mixup
15,423円 [通常販売価格: 15,900円]
Chainable Mono / Stereo Audio Utility Mixer Mixup is a versatile, expandable audio mixer for euro…
Intellijel Designs Cylonix Shapeshifter
Cylonix Shapeshifter Dual Complex Morphable Wavetable VCO Cylonix and Intellijel have collaborat…
Intellijel Designs Morgasmatron
Morgasmatron Dual Multimode Self-Oscillating VCF and Crossfader This is the third generation of …
Intellijel Designs Rubicon ll
Analog Triangle Core Thru-Zero FM VCO Proudly Analog This is not a set it and forget it oscillat…
Intellijel Designs Springray 2
Springray2 Versatile Real Spring Tank Reverb Module Physical Analog A true spring reverb is an …
Intellijel Designs Dual ADSR
Dual slider based ADSR envelope The circuit is based in part on the Roland SH-101 / System100m de…
Intellijel Designs µVCF
Introducing the µVCF state variable filter. This is another great David Dixon filter design. It i…
Intellijel Designs µMIDI
USB/DIN MIDI voice and clock interface The µMIDI provides all the essentials to control and sync …
Intellijel Designs OR
logical OR / gate combiner This module allows you to combine different logic source (triggers, gate…