Intellijel Designs SVF 1U
23,183円 [通常販売価格: 23,900円]
Multimode State Variable FilterCut, Boost, Sculpt and FizzleThe perfect multimode, voltage-controlle…
Intellijel Designs Xfade 1U 次回入荷分
30,943円 [通常販売価格: 31,900円]
Xfade 1UStereo DJ style crossfader and controllerXfade 1U is a classic DJ-style stereo cro…
Intellijel Designs Line IN 1U
Direct Injection Desktop gear is popular for a reason, but your eurorack system is like no one else…
Intellijel Designs Noise Tools 1U
Noise Random Tools 1U Clock, Random Pulse, Analog Noise , Sample and Hold plus Sew Noise Random To…
Intellijel MIDI 1U
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
The MIDI 1U system provides all the essentials to control and sync your Eurorack modular from your c…
注:Intellijelの1UシステムはVermona/synthrotek/Pulp Logicなどの1Uシステムとフォーマットが違いますのでご注意ください...