RYK Modular Envy Machine
49,373円 [通常販売価格: 50,900円]
A compact quad-channel modulation machine Welcome to the Envy Machine ! A compact quad-cha…
Maneco Labs GRONE MANECOLIN Black(eurorack)
73,623円 [通常販売価格: 75,900円]
This eurorack model takes remote inspiration from Rob Hordijk ‘s Benjolin, but based on different ar…
Maneco Labs GRONE MANECOLIN (Table top) 次回入荷分
86,233円 [通常販売価格: 88,900円]
Maneco Labs GRONE MANECOLIN (Table Top) This model takes remote inspiration from Rob Hordijk ‘…
Intellijel Designs Atlantix 次回入荷分
113,393円 [通常販売価格: 116,900円]
AtlantixDual Oscillator Subtractive Analog Synth VoiceIt's MassiveThe Atlantix is a complete analog …
Frap Tools BAGAI 次回入荷分
47,433円 [通常販売価格: 48,900円]
BAGÀIMultipurpose Thingamabobbagài / baˈgaːi / s.m. [modenese dialect, from a lat…
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
MEGA MILTON: Compact UtilitiesThe ‘MEGA MILTON’ is a smorgasbord of handy all analo…
Maneco Labs GRONE MANECOLIN (eurorack)
73,623円 [通常販売価格: 75,900円]
This eurorack model takes remote inspiration from Rob Hordijk ‘s Benjolin, but based on different ar…
Intellijel Designs Sealegs
71,683円 [通常販売価格: 73,900円]
Multi-Model Stereo Character Delay with ReverbIt's all gone a bit wobblySealegs is a collection of e…
Instruō Tagh V2
49,373円 [通常販売価格: 50,900円]
The Instruō tágh is a “Swiss Army Knife” modulation source. It features an analog…
Intellijel Designs Flurry
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
Flurry Noise, Clock/Random Pulse, S&H/T&H, and Slew/Envelope FollowerA veritable storm …
ALM Busy Circuits Sid Guts Deluxe: Eurorack SID Voice
62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]
The original SID GUTS took the legendary SID chip and tailored it into the eurorack m…
Buchla & Tiptop Audio SOURCE OF UNCERTAINTY MODEL 266t 次回入荷分
40,643円 [通常販売価格: 41,900円]
SOURCE OF UNCERTAINTY - MODEL 266t Noise Source:- Pink noise (-3db/oct - low frequency biased)-…
2hp Nse
24,250円 [通常販売価格: 25,000円]
Nse is a white noise generator. The sample rate of the noise can be adjusted allowing for a wide ran…
55,193円 [通常販売価格: 56,900円]
Noise Plethora is a multitimbral noise monster in 14HP. The module consists of three digital sound g…
47,433円 [通常販売価格: 48,900円]
- DARKER MACHINE -Download Specification PDF ⇩Eurorack moduleDrone voice oscillatorMs20 vcf2 Multi w…
Erica Synths Pico Noise
Pico NOISE is a versatile noise and percussion sounds source. It consists of white a noise generator…
Qu-Bit Electronix Cascade -ラチェッティング エンベロープジェネレーター 次回入荷分
47,433円 [通常販売価格: 48,900円]
Cascade is a ratcheting envelope generator, VCA, and sound source all within a compact form factor. …
Jolin Lab TABØR Black Mirror - Avalanche Drone Rhythmic Oscillator
55,193円 [通常販売価格: 56,900円]
TABØRは途切れのない発振状態の4つのなだれトランジスタの予測不可能性に基づいた、リズミカルなアナログサウンドとCV音源です。 これらの予測不可能なコアオシレーターは互いに関…
Rossum Electro-Music Mob of Emus -Polyfunctional Harmonic Sextet
79,443円 [通常販売価格: 81,900円]
Mob of Emus is a powerful music and sound design tool that packs an enormous amount of creative…
Endorphin.es Strong Zero Core (Furthrrrr Generator リプレイスメント VCO Core)要予約
14,453円 [通常販売価格: 14,900円]
Endorphin.es Strong Zero Core (Furthrrrr Generator リプレイスメント VCO Core) *16ピンDIP ICチップ: Furthrrrrジェ…
Endorphin.es Furthrrrr Generator デュアル VCO
105,633円 [通常販売価格: 108,900円]
Endorphin.es Furthrrrr Generator デュアル VCO Furthrrrr Generator 30 HP width, up to 1 1/4“ in depth…
Qu-Bit Electronix NANO RAND V2 ランダム/サンプルアンドホールド/ノイズ/デジタル 次回入荷分
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
Qu-Bit Electronix NANO RAND ランダム/サンプルアンドホールド/ノイズ/デジタル V2で戻ってきたぜベイビー! Nano Rand V2はQubitでも人気の高…
Moog DFAM + 2x Mother 32 w/Rack セット 中古 (売却済)
MOOG DFAM/2x Mother-32/Rack セット! パワーサプライ付属 お気軽にお問い合わせください!
Dreadbox Dystopia / ノイズ クラッシュ フィルター
Dystopia / ノイズ クラッシュ フィルター Features Noise Generator (white, white to pink, white to blue, scatte…
Metasonix RK1 Noisedrum 中古 SOLD
30,943円 [通常販売価格: 31,900円]
The RK1 is intended to serve as a “cymbal” or "snare" sound for synthesis of electronic drums. The u…
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
Trogotronic m669 / Synth Module 次回入荷分
52,283円 [通常販売価格: 53,900円]
m/669 shamelessly stuffs 14hp of Euro-Format ALL-ANALOG SMUT to the current crowd of frigid digital …
M.A.S.F. Mo.s Model OSC03 売り切れ
M.A.S.F. Mo.s Model OSC03 Mo.s Model OSC03は単純なコントロールでNoise Soundを作り出すM.A.S.F.史上最も優れた魔法の発振器、Ma.s M…
Intellijel Designs Plonk
55,193円 [通常販売価格: 56,900円]
Plonk Physical modeling percussion synthesizer Plonk uses a technique known as physical modellin…
Make Noise Strega 次回入荷分
93,993円 [通常販売価格: 96,900円]
Strega is an audio alchemical experiment. Activate! Spill the tonic into time and let time decay thr…
Erica Synths Pico RND
17,363円 [通常販売価格: 17,900円]
Combined LFO/random source Erica Pico RND is combined LFO/random source module. It generates two …
Intellijel Designs Noise Tools 1U
Noise Random Tools 1U Clock, Random Pulse, Analog Noise , Sample and Hold plus Sew Noise Random To…
Hexinverter Électronique VCNO 次回入荷分
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
VCNO is a noise oscillator, capable of producing full spectrum white noise and various random signal…
Hexinverter Électronique THE MUTANT MACHINE
61,983円 [通常販売価格: 63,900円]
THE MUTANT MACHINE Dynamic Analog Percussion Engine Mutant Drums シリーズの中でも最もパワフルなモジュール、909スタイルのSna…
Hexinverter Électronique MUTANT CLAP 次回入荷分
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
The iconic clap sound of the TR-909, but with all the features we all wished the original had. Hexin…
Hexinverter Électronique MUTANT SNARE
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
Mutant Snare Designed by Hexinverter, from classic electro snares to warping, alien percussion, the …