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  • XOR Electronics XOR XOR

    XOR Electronics XOR XOR

    7,663円 [通常販売価格: 7,900円]

    XOR XOR – A logic Eurorack Module. This one was meant to be. Simple, 2HP, 2 Inputs, XOR Logic, 1 …

  • Mystic Circuits ANA 2

    Mystic Circuits ANA 2

    36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]

    ANA 2 is a cross modulation powerhouse that derives nine different analog logic operations in tandem…



    38,703円 [通常販売価格: 39,900円]

    The Nibbler is a four bit digital accumulator based on CMOS logic. This means that it counts in bina…

  • Instruō/DivKid  ochd expander 

    Instruō/DivKid ochd expander 

    18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]

    Meet the Instruō øchd expander ([ø]4^2), an expansion module for one of Eurorack&rsquo…

  • Instruō/DivKid  ochd & ochd expander Bundle 

    Instruō/DivKid ochd & ochd expander Bundle 

    51,313円 [通常販売価格: 52,900円]

    Instruo ochd  & ochd expander Bundle-------------------------------------------------------…

  •  2hp   Logic

    2hp Logic

    16,005円 [通常販売価格: 16,500円]

    Logic is a 2 channel, boolean gate operator. It provides two unique logic operations: AND and OR. Th…

  • Buchla & Tiptop Audio Quad Function Generator 281t  

    Buchla & Tiptop Audio Quad Function Generator 281t  

    33,853円 [通常販売価格: 34,900円]

    QUAD FUNCTION GENERATOR - MODEL 281tSize: 28HP - Depth: 32mm - Power: +12V 160mA / -12V 55mAThe 281t…



    31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]

    eãs | /es/ | noun (nature) a cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream …

  • Intellijel Designs    Gx -Gate Expander

    Intellijel Designs Gx -Gate Expander

    12,513円 [通常販売価格: 12,900円]

    Open up the gatesExpand the functionality of the modules like Metropolix with eight additional gate/…

  • Erogenous Tones Gatestorm ゲート シーケンサー 中古 (売却済)

    Erogenous Tones Gatestorm ゲート シーケンサー 中古 (売却済)

    Advanced Eurorack Gate Generator Overall Features: 8 Gate Generators (4 Complex Lanes & 4 Simp…

  • Make Noise René V2 次回入荷分

    Make Noise René V2 次回入荷分

    82,353円 [通常販売価格: 84,900円]

    René 2018 シンセサイザーモジュールは強力な3次元プリズム構成です。これは世界で唯一の3Dデカルトシーケンサーです。フランスの哲学者および数学者であるRené Descartesの名前で、デカ…

  • 4ms SISM: Shifting Inverting Signal Mingler

    4ms SISM: Shifting Inverting Signal Mingler

    The SISM is a 4-channel voltage manipulator that can scale, invert, attenuate, shift (dc offset), mi…

  • Make Noise MATHS 

    Make Noise MATHS 

    46,463円 [通常販売価格: 47,900円]

    1. DPO, MMG や ECHOPHON 等との動作がし易いレイアウト。 2. シグナルのLEDのアップグレードによりレゾリューションが更に良くなりポジティブとネガティブの両方のボルテージを表示…

  • Make Noise Mult

    Make Noise Mult

    6,693円 [通常販売価格: 6,900円]

    Multiple The Multiple is a simple but important module that allows for sending a signal to multiple…

  • Intellijel Designs    OR

    Intellijel Designs OR

    logical OR / gate combiner This module allows you to combine different logic source (triggers, gate…

  • WMD  OSD (OR / SUM / DIF)

    WMD OSD (OR / SUM / DIF)

    24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]

    DescriptionOSD, aka OR SUM DIF, is 3 independent blocks of useful utility in 4HP. OSD is center…

  • Hexinverter Électronique VCNO 次回入荷分

    Hexinverter Électronique VCNO 次回入荷分

    31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]

    VCNO is a noise oscillator, capable of producing full spectrum white noise and various random signal…

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