Boredbrain IO 次回入荷分
17,363円 [通常販売価格: 17,900円]
30-CHANNEL DIRECT INPUT/OUTPUTConnects to DB25 or TRS modules to provide direct audio inputsConnects…
Boredbrain TRS 次回入荷分
42,583円 [通常販売価格: 43,900円]
12-CHANNEL DIRECT OUTPUTConnects to IO module to provide twelve balanced audio outputsConnects to Xc…
Boredbrain DB25 次回入荷分
60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]
DB2524-CHANNEL D-SUB DIRECT OUTPUTConnects to IO module to provide twenty-four balanced audio output…
Expert Sleepers ES-10
59,073円 [通常販売価格: 60,900円]
The ES-10 is a Eurorack 8-in/8-out ADAT interface, with DC-coupled inputs and outputs that can be us…
Boredbrain Patchulator Pro 次回入荷分
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
Patchulator Pro10-CHANNEL PRO FX PATCHBAYTen discrete send and return channels for effects and instr…
Boredbrain Optx V2 次回入荷分
60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]
Optx v2ADAT OPTICAL CONVERTERBi-directional ADAT lightpipe encoding/decoding of 8 analog inputs/outp…
52,283円 [通常販売価格: 53,900円]
MIDI Thing V2 is a flexible MIDI to CV converter. Allowing polyphonic notes handling, envelope and L…
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
MEGA MILTON: Compact UtilitiesThe ‘MEGA MILTON’ is a smorgasbord of handy all analo…
Noise Engineering Univer Inter 次回入荷分
44,523円 [通常販売価格: 45,900円]
Describing Univer Inter as merely a MIDI-to-CV module falls short of its immense potential. It serve…
Befaco/Divkid OUTPUT BUS 次回入荷分
35,793円 [通常販売価格: 36,900円]
The Output Bus is your ultimate output module: Presented by DivKid and Befaco, meant to be the last …
Boredbrain patchulator v2 次回入荷分
21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]
patchulator v28-CHANNEL MINI PATCHBAYEight pairs of ¼-inch send and return connectionsEight p…
Boredbrain xcelon 次回入荷分
140,553円 [通常販売価格: 144,900円]
TRUE STEREO VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED MIXER A modular mixing powerhouseXcelon is an all-analog six-cha…
Boredbrain xcelon xp3 次回入荷分
62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]
3-CHANNEL STEREO MIX EXPANDERAdds three stereo/dual-mono channels to Xcelon mixer (up to two support…
Intellijel Designs Stomp 次回入荷分
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
Effects Pedal Send/Return w/Expression Control & LFOPut Your Pedal to the MetalExpand your palet…
Jolin Lab TUTTO&SEMPRE stereo performance mixer
93,993円 [通常販売価格: 96,900円]
TUTTO&SEMPRE is a stereo performance mixer with 4 channel strips, an active patchbay, indiv…
Black Noise Modular PIPE V1
15,423円 [通常販売価格: 15,900円]
PIPE solve the headache and or hassle of connecting multiple case or rows together, like before a gi…
Boredbrain monitr 次回入荷分
43,553円 [通常販売価格: 44,900円]
MASTER OUTPUT CONTROL2-channel stereo VCA mixer with CV per channelMaster volume control and dual 5-…
Boredbrain xport 次回入荷分
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
6-CHANNEL BALANCED OUTPUTEurorack to balanced line-level audio conversionLow-noise signal path with …
Boredbrain spdf 次回入荷分
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
S/PDIF DIGITAL CONVERTEREncodes 2 analog inputs into a S/PDIF digital signalDecodes a S/PDIF digital…
Boredbrain injectr 次回入荷分
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
ELECTRIC GUITAR INTERFACEHigh-impedance input for electric instrumentsPreamp drive circuit with germ…
Boredbrain xchangr 次回入荷分
21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]
STEREO SIGNAL INTERCHANGEUltra-low noise buffered level scaling designed for stereo effects pedalsTw…
Boredbrain unifx 次回入荷分
21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]
GUITAR PEDAL FX INTERFACESingle-channel effects loop with bi-directional level conversionRoutes euro…
Expert Sleepers ES-3 mk4
ES-3 LIGHTPIPE/CV INTERFACEIntroductionThe ES-3 is a Eurorack format module which converts eight cha…
Instruō Larachd 次回入荷分
62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]
The Instruō làrachd is a fully analogue multifunction utility module that provides …
Instruō Cuir 次回入荷分
41,613円 [通常販売価格: 42,900円]
The Instruō cuïr is a final stage output module designed to interface with profession…
60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]
AC/DC is a class-compliant DC coupled audio interface in Eurorack format. With its 6 HP it is …
Expert Sleepers ES-5 mk3 "ES-3 EXPANDER"
21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]
The ES-5 is an expansion module for the Expert Sleepers ES-3 Lightpipe/CV Interface, ES-8 …
Expert Sleepers ES-6
26,093円 [通常販売価格: 26,900円]
The ES-6 is the counterpart to the ES-3 Lightpipe/CV Interface, offering up to 8 channels …
Maneco Labs H.R. MIxer ユーロラック
17,363円 [通常販売価格: 17,900円]
Simple 4 Channel MONO Mixer with Output/Ctrl-Out/Headphone Out 6HP 32mm deep
Endorphin.es Cockpit 1U 次回入荷分
33,853円 [通常販売価格: 34,900円]
Erica Synths Pico MScale
Erica Synths Pico MSCALE (Moog Scale, to be specific) is precision scaler to adapt Moog Mother 32 to…
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
This is the More Video-IO Expander for the NerdSEQIt adds a HDMI (Type A) or Composite breakou…
Expert Sleepers ES-8 次回入荷分
74,593円 [通常販売価格: 76,900円]
The ES-8 is a USB 2.0 class-compliant audio interface in a Eurorack module, with DC-coupled inputs a…
Noise Engineering SONO ABITUS ステレオアウトプット 次回入荷分
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
Sono Abitus is a high-quality output module. It has a stereo pair of Eurorack-level ⅛” inputs …
4ms Percussion Interface + Expander [PI+EXP] 次回入荷分
27,063円 [通常販売価格: 27,900円]
The Percussion Interface (PI) and PI Expander are a pair of Eurorack modules that generate gates and…
Expert Sleepers ES-9 USB オーディオインターフェイス 次回入荷分
99,813円 [通常販売価格: 102,900円]
User Manual & Firmware UpdatesIntroduction The ES-9 is a Eurorack 16-in/16-out …
Endorphin.es Cockpit² 4ステレオチャンネルミキサー 次回入荷分
33,853円 [通常販売価格: 34,900円]
Endorphin.es COCKPIT, the well known 4-channel stereo mixer with side-chain ducking received a major…
Make Noise XOH ステレオ・ヘッドフォン アウトプットモジュール 次回入荷分
18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]
Make Noise XOH ステレオ・ヘッドフォン アウトプットモジュール The XOH (miX Out Headphone) music synthesizer module is a …
BEFACO HEXMIX & HEXPANDER 6チャンネルミキサー & エクスパンダー
139,583円 [通常販売価格: 143,900円]
BEFACO HEXMIX & HEXPANDER 6チャンネルミキサー & エクスパンダー 両方のモージュールの使用でより幅の効いたミキシングパフォーマンスをお楽しみください! ーーーーーー…
Dreadbox Nostalgia / 3 ステージ ディレイ
Nostalgia / 3 ステージ ディレイ Features 3 Stage Hybrid Delay based on the Erebus’s Circuit Consisted o…
Expert Sleepers Little Mikey インストルメント /マイク プリアンプ
ギター/ベース/キーボード/マイク、何でもイン! Expert Sleepers Little Mikey ファントムパワー インストルメント /マイク プリアンプ Plug your …
BEFACO OUT V3 アウトプット/ヘッドフォン アンプ
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
BEFACO OUT V3 アウトプット/ヘッドフォン アンプ Our new Output Module is designed to be the master output for you…
60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]
BEFACO HEXPANDER - HEXMIX 専用エクスパンダー Hexmix expander with 3 aux sends, PFL, individual outs per c…
BEFACO HEXMIX 6チャンネル パフォーマンスミキサー EQ/ミュート/パニング
80,413円 [通常販売価格: 82,900円]
6チャンネル パフォーマンスミキサー! 各チャンネルに EQ/ミュート/パニング... 6-channel performance mixer with EQs mutes and Pan …
Using a compact arrangement of TRS insert sockets (cables not included), Black Locust properly atten…
Erica Synths Pico Input 次回入荷分
13,483円 [通常販売価格: 13,900円]
Erica Pico INPUT module is just, what you need to interface your modular system with external synths…
Intellijel Designs Audio I/O
41,613円 [通常販売価格: 42,900円]
Audio I/O (2023)Dual/Stereo Eurorack / Balanced Line Level Audio InterfaceBetter TogetherDual Balanc…
Erica Synths Pico Output
Erica Pico OUTPUT module is just what you need to monitor your music on headphones and have standard…
Intellijel Designs Line IN 1U
Direct Injection Desktop gear is popular for a reason, but your eurorack system is like no one else…