Buchla & Tiptop Audio Programmable Spectral Processor 296t
109,513円 [通常販売価格: 112,900円]
The 296 was first introduced in 1978 and very few were ever made. Making a module of such …
Jolin Lab ASCOLTA dual preamp follower
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
ASCOLTA is a dual high fidelity input preamp with envelope follower and peak detector output fo…
Eowave Tempete Magnetique 次回入荷分
60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]
Quad complex multimode filter The Tempête Magnétique is a fully analog complex filter/synthesizer…
Make Noise Spectraphon
93,993円 [通常販売価格: 96,900円]
The Make Noise/soundhack Spectraphon is a dual Spectral Oscillator coded by Tom Erbe of soundhack. I…
Instruō Aradh 次回入荷分
61,983円 [通常販売価格: 63,900円]
By popular demand – an exciting new take on the legendary transistor ladder filter. Introducin…
Black Noise Modular DUAL RECTIFIER II 次回入荷分
13,483円 [通常販売価格: 13,900円]
Dual Rectifier II is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can be u…
Black Noise Modular 1U DUAL RECTIFIER II - S
13,483円 [通常販売価格: 13,900円]
Dual Rectifier II - S is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can …
Intellijel Designs Flurry
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
Flurry Noise, Clock/Random Pulse, S&H/T&H, and Slew/Envelope FollowerA veritable storm …
Boredbrain injectr 次回入荷分
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
ELECTRIC GUITAR INTERFACEHigh-impedance input for electric instrumentsPreamp drive circuit with germ…
Instruō Larachd 次回入荷分
62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]
The Instruō làrachd is a fully analogue multifunction utility module that provides …
Noise Engineering Lacrima Versio 次回入荷分
61,983円 [通常販売価格: 63,900円]
Noise Engineering’s take on the classic autowah, in stereo, and with a twistLacrima Versio's r…
35,793円 [通常販売価格: 36,900円]
The Boundary is a multi-purpose modulation and signal control center. It consists of a cycling slew …
Cosmotronic Messor
41,613円 [通常販売価格: 42,900円]
Messor is an analog stereo compressor with lots of tricks up its sleeves in only 8HP. From squas…
Qu-Bit Electronix Cascade -ラチェッティング エンベロープジェネレーター 次回入荷分
47,433円 [通常販売価格: 48,900円]
Cascade is a ratcheting envelope generator, VCA, and sound source all within a compact form factor. …
Rossum Electro-Music Mob of Emus -Polyfunctional Harmonic Sextet
79,443円 [通常販売価格: 81,900円]
Mob of Emus is a powerful music and sound design tool that packs an enormous amount of creative…
4ms Percussion Interface + Expander [PI+EXP] 次回入荷分
27,063円 [通常販売価格: 27,900円]
The Percussion Interface (PI) and PI Expander are a pair of Eurorack modules that generate gates and…
BEFACO INSTRUMENT INTERFACE - エンベロープ フォロワー付きオーディオプリアンプ
40,643円 [通常販売価格: 41,900円]
BEFACO INSTRUMENT INTERFACE - エンベロープ フォロワー付きオーディオプリアンプ Audio pre amp with envelope follower …
BEFACO RAMPAGE デュアル スロープ ジェネレーター 次回入荷分
48,306円 [通常販売価格: 49,800円]
BEFACO RAMPAGE デュアル スロープ ジェネレーター Some Rampage applications: -Voltage controlled Attack Decay e…
4ms Spectral Multiband Resonator (SMR)
The Spectral Multiband Resonator from 4ms Company is an innovative resonant filter which can process…
Make Noise Function
27,063円 [通常販売価格: 27,900円]
機能概要: FUNCTIONは万能CV電圧モジュールとしてお馴染みのMATHSの新たな家族です。 FUNCTIONは音楽的用途を目的とした小さなアナログ・コンピューターです。 代表的な使用用途の…
Make Noise MATHS
46,463円 [通常販売価格: 47,900円]
1. DPO, MMG や ECHOPHON 等との動作がし易いレイアウト。 2. シグナルのLEDのアップグレードによりレゾリューションが更に良くなりポジティブとネガティブの両方のボルテージを表示…