Buchla & Tiptop Audio Programmable Pulser Model 242t
32,883円 [通常販売価格: 33,900円]
The 242, was designed in 1970 as an event-based trigger module for CBS. The lower section features …
Instruō gloc
46,463円 [通常販売価格: 47,900円]
Introducing glōc, a clock generator and processor. Capable of turning a single internal/external clo…
AtoVproject lx-euclid
57,133円 [通常販売価格: 58,900円]
lx-euclid by AtoVproject & Lucas BonvinThe AtoVproject lx-euclid is a 4-channel t…
Frap Tools BAGAI 次回入荷分
47,433円 [通常販売価格: 48,900円]
BAGÀIMultipurpose Thingamabobbagài / baˈgaːi / s.m. [modenese dialect, from a lat…
Mystic Circuits IDUM
47,433円 [通常販売価格: 48,900円]
Algorithmic. Powerful. Outrageous. Details IDUM is a gate processing effect that turns its inpu…
38,703円 [通常販売価格: 39,900円]
The Nibbler is a four bit digital accumulator based on CMOS logic. This means that it counts in bina…
FLAME TAKT - rhythm sequencer 近日入荷予定
93,993円 [通常販売価格: 96,900円]
"TAKT" is a compact 30HP Eurorack sequencer module for playing or programming trigger/gate/velocity …
Instruō Tagh V2
49,373円 [通常販売価格: 50,900円]
The Instruō tágh is a “Swiss Army Knife” modulation source. It features an analog…
Black Noise Modular DUAL RECTIFIER II 次回入荷分
13,483円 [通常販売価格: 13,900円]
Dual Rectifier II is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can be u…
Black Noise Modular 1U DUAL RECTIFIER II - S
13,483円 [通常販売価格: 13,900円]
Dual Rectifier II - S is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can …
ALM Busy Circuits Pamela's PRO Workout
54,223円 [通常販売価格: 55,900円]
Pamela's PRO Workout: Clocking ModulatorPamela’s PRO Workout’ is a compact programmable …
Noise Engineering Jam Jam 次回入荷分
38,703円 [通常販売価格: 39,900円]
Jam Jam is a four-channel trigger and gate processor with three modes: Random, Clock Phase, and Gate…
4ms Mini PEG [MPEG] 次回入荷分
26,093円 [通常販売価格: 26,900円]
The Mini PEG is a clock-synced envelope generator and LFO whose envelope times are set by the time b…
4ms SCM Plus [SCM+] 次回入荷分
29,973円 [通常販売価格: 30,900円]
The SCM Plus is a clock multiplier with eight gate outputs and complex beat manipulation features. I…
Endorphin.es RUNNING ORDER 1U 次回入荷分
22,213円 [通常販売価格: 22,900円]
2 TRACK TRIGGER SEQUENCER / EUCLIDEAN GENERATORRunning Order is a two track trigger sequencer. It ca…
2hp Brst 次回入荷分
15,423円 [通常販売価格: 15,900円]
Brst is a voltage controlled burst generator and trigger delay. Upon receipt of a gate signal, Brst …
2hp Div
18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]
Div is a 2 channel, voltage controlled clock divider and multiplier. Incoming clock signals can be m…
18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]
Euclid is a rhythmic pattern generator based on ideas originally presented by Euclid, the Greek math…
35,793円 [通常販売価格: 36,900円]
The Boundary is a multi-purpose modulation and signal control center. It consists of a cycling slew …
Intellijel Designs Shifty
30,943円 [通常販売価格: 31,900円]
Shifty Voice Allocator / Note Hocketing / Analog Shift Register The Shifty is essentially a combin…
Noise Engineering FRACTIO SOLUM
35,793円 [通常販売価格: 36,900円]
Polyrhythmic voltage-controlled clock divider and multiplierFracto Solum is a simple and easy-to-use…
Noise Engineering Horologic Solum 次回入荷分
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
Horologic Solum is a 4HP voltage-controlled clock generator. ree speed modes allow a wide range of …
Erica Synths Black SEQUENCER 次回入荷分
98,843円 [通常販売価格: 101,900円]
The Erica Synths Black Sequencer takes classical modular sequencing to the next level by adding tons…
178,383円 [通常販売価格: 183,900円]
Nerdseq – Bundle セット(NERDSEQ + CV 16 Expander + More Triggers 16 Expander + IO Expander)
XOR Electronics NERDSEQ
113,393円 [通常販売価格: 116,900円]
Endorphin.es RUNNING ORDER -2トラックトリガーシーケンサー 次回入荷分
22,213円 [通常販売価格: 22,900円]
Running OrderRunning Order is a two track trigger sequencer: It can be a precise master clock or man…
Erogenous Tones Gatestorm ゲート シーケンサー 中古 (売却済)
Advanced Eurorack Gate Generator Overall Features: 8 Gate Generators (4 Complex Lanes & 4 Simp…
Instruō cèis 2
34,823円 [通常販売価格: 35,900円]
The Instruō cèis[2] is a fully analogue voltage-controlled ADSR envelope generator. The …
Hexinverter Électronique MUTANT BRAIN Edition Noire
35,793円 [通常販売価格: 36,900円]
MUTANT BRAIN 16 output ultra-flexible midi to trigger, sync, polyphonic CV and gate, and more! …
Intellijel Designs Steppy
38,703円 [通常販売価格: 39,900円]
A Compact Module with Room to Play Steppy is a 4-track programmable gate sequencer with eight inter…
Noise Engineering Numeric Repetitor 次回入荷分
37,733円 [通常販売価格: 38,900円]
“number repeater” Numeric Repetitor is a rhythmic gate generator based on binary arithmetic. A co…
Noise Engineering Zularic Reptitor 次回入荷分
“african repeater” Zularic Repetitor is a rhythmic gate generator based on African music theory. …
4ms SCM Breakout
The SCM Breakout is an add-on module for the Shuffling Clock Multiplier. It adds a host of new f…
4ms Shuffling Clock Multiplier
The Shuffling Clock Multiplier (SCM) produces eight multiplied clock tempos from a single input …
4ms Rotating Clock Divider (RCD)
Features: 4 H.P. Eurorack format Divide-by-1 to Divide-by-64, on 8 output jacks CV Rotate jack to…
4ms QCD 次回入荷分
33,853円 [通常販売価格: 34,900円]
Basic features Four CV-controlled Clock Divider/Multipliers Tap tempo button and five sync'ed cl…
4ms Quad Pingable LFO (QPLFO)
The Quad Pingable LFO is a compact, playable four-channel tap-tempo, clock-syncable LFO with variabl…
4ms Pingable Envelope Generator
The Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG) from 4ms is a dual envelope generator whose envelope l…
4ms Dual Looping Delay (DLD) ステレオ オーディオ プロセッサー 次回入荷分
65,863円 [通常販売価格: 67,900円]
Dual Looping Delay from 4ms Company, designed by 4ms and Gary Hall The Dual Looping Delay (DLD) i…
Make Noise TEMPI 次回入荷分
43,553円 [通常販売価格: 44,900円]
6チャンネル ポリフォニック タイムシフティング クロック モジュール... 直覚的な方法でモジュラーシステムの複雑なクロッキング アレンジをクリエイトしたり記憶させるlことができます... …
Intellijel MIDI 1U
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
The MIDI 1U system provides all the essentials to control and sync your Eurorack modular from your c…