RYK Modular Envy Machine
49,373円 [通常販売価格: 50,900円]
A compact quad-channel modulation machine Welcome to the Envy Machine ! A compact quad-cha…
Expert Sleepers disting NT 次回入荷分
110,483円 [通常販売価格: 113,900円]
IntroductionThe disting NT is the latest in the line of modules from Expert Sleepers that started wi…
BEFACO/Molten Modular BYPASS 次回入荷分
20,273円 [通常販売価格: 20,900円]
Molten BypassThis is Befaco's new collaboration with Robin Vincent aka Molten Music Technology. A St…
Expert Sleepers ES-10
59,073円 [通常販売価格: 60,900円]
The ES-10 is a Eurorack 8-in/8-out ADAT interface, with DC-coupled inputs and outputs that can be us…
Boredbrain Patchulator Pro 次回入荷分
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
Patchulator Pro10-CHANNEL PRO FX PATCHBAYTen discrete send and return channels for effects and instr…
Boredbrain Optx V2 次回入荷分
60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]
Optx v2ADAT OPTICAL CONVERTERBi-directional ADAT lightpipe encoding/decoding of 8 analog inputs/outp…
XOR Electronics XOR XOR
7,663円 [通常販売価格: 7,900円]
XOR XOR – A logic Eurorack Module. This one was meant to be. Simple, 2HP, 2 Inputs, XOR Logic, 1 …
4ms Meta Module [META]
105,633円 [通常販売価格: 108,900円]
The MetaModule puts real knobs and jacks on virtual software modules. Step back from the computer an…
Frap Tools 411
23,183円 [通常販売価格: 23,900円]
411 Quadruple Linear VCA for Audio and CVThe 411 is a quadruple linear VCA, mixer, and multiple…
ALM Busy Circuits MFD 次回入荷分
28,033円 [通常販売価格: 28,900円]
MFD: DJ Crossfader and Stereo VCAThe ‘MFD’ is a 2-channel stereo crossfader designe…
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
MEGA MILTON: Compact UtilitiesThe ‘MEGA MILTON’ is a smorgasbord of handy all analo…
Divkid Manic 次回入荷分
57,133円 [通常販売価格: 58,900円]
An Apollo View Modular & DivKid collaboration Manic introduces an exploration of dual channel mon…
4ms Catalyst Sequencer 次回入荷分
62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]
Catalyst Sequencer [CatSeq]The Catalyst Sequencer combines a traditional clocked step-sequence…
Make Noise Channel Saver
16,393円 [通常販売価格: 16,900円]
The Channel Saver music synthesizer module is a small utility module, offering several channels of s…
Noise Engineering Univer Inter 次回入荷分
44,523円 [通常販売価格: 45,900円]
Describing Univer Inter as merely a MIDI-to-CV module falls short of its immense potential. It serve…
Noise Engineering Opp Ned
55,193円 [通常販売価格: 56,900円]
Four-channel arpeggiator with customizable patterns and CV controlOpp Ned is a four-channel arpeggia…
Befaco/Divkid OUTPUT BUS 次回入荷分
35,793円 [通常販売価格: 36,900円]
The Output Bus is your ultimate output module: Presented by DivKid and Befaco, meant to be the last …
Noise Engineering Nive Grad 次回入荷分
26,093円 [通常販売価格: 26,900円]
Bring things up to Eurorack level, then bring them down again. Twice!Nive Grad is a stereo or dual-m…
38,703円 [通常販売価格: 39,900円]
The Nibbler is a four bit digital accumulator based on CMOS logic. This means that it counts in bina…
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
An accurate voltage source and precision adder.Voltio fits somewhere between a music tool and …
Boredbrain patchulator v2 次回入荷分
21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]
patchulator v28-CHANNEL MINI PATCHBAYEight pairs of ¼-inch send and return connectionsEight p…
Boredbrain xcelon 次回入荷分
140,553円 [通常販売価格: 144,900円]
TRUE STEREO VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED MIXER A modular mixing powerhouseXcelon is an all-analog six-cha…
Boredbrain xcelon xp3 次回入荷分
62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]
3-CHANNEL STEREO MIX EXPANDERAdds three stereo/dual-mono channels to Xcelon mixer (up to two support…
Instruō/DivKid ochd expander
18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]
Meet the Instruō øchd expander ([ø]4^2), an expansion module for one of Eurorack&rsquo…
Instruō/DivKid ochd & ochd expander Bundle
51,313円 [通常販売価格: 52,900円]
Instruo ochd & ochd expander Bundle-------------------------------------------------------…
Rossum Electro-Music Locutus (Assimil8or MIDI expander)次回入荷分
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
MIDI MediatorLOCUTUS is designed to interface Assimil8or with MIDI instruments, contr…
BEFACO/Molten Modular 1U MOTION MTR 次回入荷分
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
CV AND AUDIO UTILITY / REALTIME VISUALIZERMotion MTR allow you to mix, attenuate and invert si…
Intellijel Designs Stomp 次回入荷分
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
Effects Pedal Send/Return w/Expression Control & LFOPut Your Pedal to the MetalExpand your palet…
ALM Busy Circuits STEREO SUM
14,453円 [通常販売価格: 14,900円]
The ‘STEREO SUM’ is a unity gain summing mixer that features four stereo input pairs summed as pairs…
Neutral Labs Elmyra 2 desktop
89,143円 [通常販売価格: 91,900円]
Digital/analog hybrid platform for microtonal sonic explorationThe successor to the widely acclaimed…
Neutral Labs Elmyra 2 eurorack 次回入荷分
83,323円 [通常販売価格: 85,900円]
Digital/analog hybrid platform for microtonal sonic explorationThe successor to the widely acclaimed…
Jolin Lab KNOBI macro controller
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
KNOBI is a multi-tool able to mix, attenuate, invert, display and multiply any kind of signal.K…
Instruō Tagh V2
49,373円 [通常販売価格: 50,900円]
The Instruō tágh is a “Swiss Army Knife” modulation source. It features an analog…
Jolin Lab NEXUM multi cable tester
18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]
NEXUM is a smart eurorack multi-cable tester. Plug a cable in one of the sockets and the other en…
Eowave Quadrantid Swarm (desktop) 次回入荷分
103,693円 [通常販売価格: 106,900円]
The Quandrantid Swarm is a digital synthesizer that features a percussive element to give it a uniqu…
26,093円 [通常販売価格: 26,900円]
VOLTAGE PROCESSOR have been designed to pack a lot of features in a small module.Here a some of the …
Black Noise Modular QBI 次回入荷分
15,423円 [通常販売価格: 15,900円]
The idea behind QBI is to fulfill two fundamental functions when patching:-Duplicate a signal-Invert…
Black Noise Modular PIPE V1
15,423円 [通常販売価格: 15,900円]
PIPE solve the headache and or hassle of connecting multiple case or rows together, like before a gi…
Black Noise Modular GOMA
19,303円 [通常販売価格: 19,900円]
GOMA stand for Generator, Offset, Mixer, Attenuverter.The idea behind GOMA was to make an improved v…
Black Noise Modular DUAL RECTIFIER II 次回入荷分
13,483円 [通常販売価格: 13,900円]
Dual Rectifier II is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can be u…
Black Noise Modular 1U DUAL RECTIFIER II - S
13,483円 [通常販売価格: 13,900円]
Dual Rectifier II - S is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can …
18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]
STMix is a four-channel stereo mixer in 28hp and 1U format. It can work independently or as an expan…
16,393円 [通常販売価格: 16,900円]
Out is a 1U stereo output module designed to convert audio signals from your modular to line-levels.…
Intellijel Designs Flurry
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
Flurry Noise, Clock/Random Pulse, S&H/T&H, and Slew/Envelope FollowerA veritable storm …
Boredbrain monitr 次回入荷分
43,553円 [通常販売価格: 44,900円]
MASTER OUTPUT CONTROL2-channel stereo VCA mixer with CV per channelMaster volume control and dual 5-…
Boredbrain xport 次回入荷分
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
6-CHANNEL BALANCED OUTPUTEurorack to balanced line-level audio conversionLow-noise signal path with …
Boredbrain spdf 次回入荷分
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
S/PDIF DIGITAL CONVERTEREncodes 2 analog inputs into a S/PDIF digital signalDecodes a S/PDIF digital…
Boredbrain mimix
16,393円 [通常販売価格: 16,900円]
DUAL MULTIPLE & UNITY MIXER1 to 4 buffered multiple with inverted 4th copy1 to 4 buffered multip…
ALM Busy Circuits MFX: Stereo Multi Effects Processor 次回入荷分
47,433円 [通常販売価格: 48,900円]
The MFX is a compact 6HP Eurorack stereo digital audio multi effects processor. It offers 16 differe…
Boredbrain injectr 次回入荷分
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
ELECTRIC GUITAR INTERFACEHigh-impedance input for electric instrumentsPreamp drive circuit with germ…
Boredbrain xchangr 次回入荷分
21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]
STEREO SIGNAL INTERCHANGEUltra-low noise buffered level scaling designed for stereo effects pedalsTw…
Boredbrain eqx5
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
VOLTAGE CONTROLLED EQUALIZERFive frequency bands with ±12 dB gainPost-EQ balance and level co…
Boredbrain unifx 次回入荷分
21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]
GUITAR PEDAL FX INTERFACESingle-channel effects loop with bi-directional level conversionRoutes euro…
Instruō Carn 次回入荷分
64,893円 [通常販売価格: 66,900円]
cárnAt its core, the Instruō càrn is a four channel signal processing utilit…
Cosmotronic COSMIX PRO
62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]
A completely new design, with a lot of attention to sound quality, with a clean, low noise signal pa…
Doepfer A-178 Theremin Control Voltage Source 次回入荷分
23,183円 [通常販売価格: 23,900円]
Theremin module for generating a variable control voltage by approaching/removing hand to/from an an…
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
CV AND AUDIO UTILITY / REALTIME VISUALIZERMotion MTR allow you to mix, attenuate and invert si…
Noise Engineering Xer Dualis 次回入荷分
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
Xer Dualis is a compact four-channel stereo mixer. Use the individual left and right inputs for your…
Noise Engineering Sinc Pravus
25,123円 [通常販売価格: 25,900円]
Sometimes you have the perfect CV signal, but it’s just not in the right range. Enter Sinc Pra…
ACL FCVS-4 quad fader CV source
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
Superior 60 mm quad fader CV source including MUTE feature The ACL Fader CV Source Module compris…
Eowave Quadrantid Swarm (Eurorack Modular)次回入荷分
88,173円 [通常販売価格: 90,900円]
The Quandrantid Swarm is a digital synthesizer that features a percussive element to give it a uniqu…
60,043円 [通常販売価格: 61,900円]
AC/DC is a class-compliant DC coupled audio interface in Eurorack format. With its 6 HP it is …
The Tiny MIDI breakout provides 3.5mm TRS MIDI connectors for compatible modules with breakout heade…
Divkid Mutes 次回入荷分
23,183円 [通常販売価格: 23,900円]
PRODUCTION DESCRIPTION “Mutes is my dream compact performance tool.” Sir Divward Kiddery But M…
2hp Div
18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]
Div is a 2 channel, voltage controlled clock divider and multiplier. Incoming clock signals can be m…
2hp Trim
8,633円 [通常販売価格: 8,900円]
Trim is a 2 channel passive attenuator. It features two individual channels of attenuation. Great…
2hp Tune 次回入荷分
18,333円 [通常販売価格: 18,900円]
Tune is a multi-scale pitch quantizer. It features 11 scales ranging from chromatic to octatonic wit…
15,423円 [通常販売価格: 15,900円]
AVert is a dual attenuverter. Each channel offers the ability to attenuate and invert any input sign…
2hp UNITY 次回入荷分
16,393円 [通常販売価格: 16,900円]
Unity is a dual unity mixer with two sets of three inputs. Its versatile normalling behavior allows …
2hp DC 次回入荷分
16,393円 [通常販売価格: 16,900円]
The 2hp DC is a voltage offset generator. It creates three channels of offset voltages, each with a …
2hp Buff 次回入荷分
13,483円 [通常販売価格: 13,900円]
The 2hp Buff is a buffered multiple capable of splitting an input signal to multiple outputs. Due to…
2hp Comp 次回入荷分
21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]
Comp is a high fidelity compressor featuring numerous controls and a sidechain input. Dial in the pe…
Noise Engineering Quantus Ampla 次回入荷分
37,733円 [通常販売価格: 38,900円]
Four channels of linear DC-coupled goodness in 6hp for all your VCA needs: ducking, mixing, CV-contr…
Maneco Labs H.R. MIxer ユーロラック
17,363円 [通常販売価格: 17,900円]
Simple 4 Channel MONO Mixer with Output/Ctrl-Out/Headphone Out 6HP 32mm deep
Noise Engineering Vice Virga 次回入荷分
49,373円 [通常販売価格: 50,900円]
8-input, 8-output sequential/addressable switch with manual, trigger, and CV control, plus three gro…
Endorphin.es Cockpit 1U 次回入荷分
33,853円 [通常販売価格: 34,900円]
Endorphin.es Golden Master 1U 次回入荷分
33,853円 [通常販売価格: 34,900円]
MULTI-BAND: EQ, COMPRESSOR/LIMITER, MID/SIDE PROCESSINGThe Golden Master from Endorphin.es is a mult…
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
eãs | /es/ | noun (nature) a cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream …
Instruō [1]F FADER MODULE 次回入荷分
21,243円 [通常販売価格: 21,900円]
[1]f | wuhnmf | noun (utility) because one is one. Description The Instruō [1]f is a crossfader…
Cosmotronic Delta-V
35,793円 [通常販売価格: 36,900円]
Dual function generator and VCA Delta-V is a dual function generator with a built in VCA's. An…
Erica Synths Pico MScale
Erica Synths Pico MSCALE (Moog Scale, to be specific) is precision scaler to adapt Moog Mother 32 to…
41,613円 [通常販売価格: 42,900円]
Morphader is a performative tool designed to make multichannel CV/Audio crossfade easy and comfortab…
Endorphin.es Total Recall
17,363円 [通常販売価格: 17,900円]
BABY, YOU MAKE ME WISH I HAD THREE HANDS!TOTAL RECALL – the 6 HP module designed to ease …
Expert Sleepers Disting EX 次回入荷分
62,953円 [通常販売価格: 64,900円]
The disting EX is a multifunction Eurorack module, building on the rich legacy of the previous disti…
Expert Sleepers ES-8 次回入荷分
74,593円 [通常販売価格: 76,900円]
The ES-8 is a USB 2.0 class-compliant audio interface in a Eurorack module, with DC-coupled inputs a…
Expert Sleepers Disting mk4
31,913円 [通常販売価格: 32,900円]
The disting is a many-in-1 multifunction module, offering a variety of CV and audio processes, inclu…
Endorphin.es Golden Master 次回入荷分
33,853円 [通常販売価格: 34,900円]
Multi-band EQ, compressor, mid/side processingGOLDEN MASTER – is a multiband processor mo…
Intellijel Designs Gx -Gate Expander
12,513円 [通常販売価格: 12,900円]
Open up the gatesExpand the functionality of the modules like Metropolix with eight additional gate/…
Jolin Lab AGOGÔ Black Mirror - 8 Chained Vactrol LPGs
54,165円 [通常販売価格: 55,840円]
-Stream of Gates- “ゲートの小川” AGOGÔは直列構成、8進数のアナログバクトロルベースのローパスゲート/ミキサーです。 そ…
Intellijel Designs Triplatt
TriplattTriple Attenuator / Inverter / Attenuverter / Multiplier / Adder / Mixer / DC Voltage Source…
Noise Engineering SONO ABITUS ステレオアウトプット 次回入荷分
39,673円 [通常販売価格: 40,900円]
Sono Abitus is a high-quality output module. It has a stereo pair of Eurorack-level ⅛” inputs …
Instruō Lion - Matrix Mixer
54,223円 [通常販売価格: 55,900円]
lìonThe Instruō lìon is a 6×6 matrix mixer with a pin style interface …
Endorphin.es Cockpit² 4ステレオチャンネルミキサー 次回入荷分
33,853円 [通常販売価格: 34,900円]
Endorphin.es COCKPIT, the well known 4-channel stereo mixer with side-chain ducking received a major…
Endorphin.es Shuttle Mate (MIDI + USB-MIDI -> one MIDI + USB MIDI)
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
Endorphin.es Shuttle Mate (MIDI + USB-MIDI -> one MIDI + USB MIDI) Shuttle Mate 6 HP width, up t…
Noise Engineering Quantus Pax 次回入荷分
Quantus Pax is a four-channel precision adder, buffered multiple, and polyphonic transposition utili…
Noise Engineering Quant Gemi 次回入荷分
Quant Gemi is a small transposition/split utility. Each channel can be used to transpose a sequence …
BEFACO HEXMIX & HEXPANDER 6チャンネルミキサー & エクスパンダー
139,583円 [通常販売価格: 143,900円]
BEFACO HEXMIX & HEXPANDER 6チャンネルミキサー & エクスパンダー 両方のモージュールの使用でより幅の効いたミキシングパフォーマンスをお楽しみください! ーーーーーー…
Dreadbox Utopia / CV-オーディオ マニピュレーター
Dreadbox Utopia / CV-オーディオ マニピュレーター Features CV Audio Manipulator 4x Attenuinverters Offset …
BEFACO OUT V3 アウトプット/ヘッドフォン アンプ
24,153円 [通常販売価格: 24,900円]
BEFACO OUT V3 アウトプット/ヘッドフォン アンプ Our new Output Module is designed to be the master output for you…