BEFACO/Molten Modular BYPASS 次回入荷分
20,273円 [通常販売価格: 20,900円]
Molten BypassThis is Befaco's new collaboration with Robin Vincent aka Molten Music Technology. A St…
Mystic Circuits Tree
40,643円 [通常販売価格: 41,900円]
Algorithmic. Analog. Slim. Details Tree is an advanced sequential switch and gate sequencer. Wit…
Intellijel Designs Xfade 1U 次回入荷分
30,943円 [通常販売価格: 31,900円]
Xfade 1UStereo DJ style crossfader and controllerXfade 1U is a classic DJ-style stereo cro…
Xaoc Devices POCZDAM
33,853円 [通常販売価格: 34,900円]
DESCRIPTION Poczdam is a binary data routing solution for the Xaoc Leibniz Subsystem. It facilitate…
2hp 3:1 (3 to 1)
15,423円 [通常販売価格: 15,900円]
3:1 is a voltage controlled switch. It allows the user to send one of three input signals to a singl…
2hp Rout
14,453円 [通常販売価格: 14,900円]
Rout is a voltage controlled gate switch. The signal present at the input can be sent to one of four…
20,273円 [通常販売価格: 20,900円]
Switch is a voltage controlled signal router that is great for audio and CV signals. With four input…
36,763円 [通常販売価格: 37,900円]
Muxlicer is a sequential signal processor designed for add a huge range of special functions to your…
Noise Engineering Vice Virga 次回入荷分
49,373円 [通常販売価格: 50,900円]
8-input, 8-output sequential/addressable switch with manual, trigger, and CV control, plus three gro…
Endorphin.es Total Recall
17,363円 [通常販売価格: 17,900円]
BABY, YOU MAKE ME WISH I HAD THREE HANDS!TOTAL RECALL – the 6 HP module designed to ease …
Intellijel Designs Triplatt
TriplattTriple Attenuator / Inverter / Attenuverter / Multiplier / Adder / Mixer / DC Voltage Source…
Instruō tàin - スイッチ ユティリティー モジュール 次回入荷分
30,943円 [通常販売価格: 31,900円]
tàinThe Instruō tàin is a two channel analogue bidirectional switch, similar…
Noise Engineering Muta Jorvis 次回入荷分
20,273円 [通常販売価格: 20,900円]
Quad Mute Size: 4HP Eurorack Depth: 0.8 Inches Power: 2x5 Eurorack Manual Coming Soon …
Intellijel Designs Shifty
30,943円 [通常販売価格: 31,900円]
Shifty Voice Allocator / Note Hocketing / Analog Shift Register The Shifty is essentially a combin…
Noise Engineering Confundo Funkitus 次回入荷分
56,163円 [通常販売価格: 57,900円]
Four-part probabilistic rhythm crossfaderConfundo Funkidos is a rhythm crossfader and mute utility. …