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Pleasure Unit CD (Trino Records) [866]

販売価格: 1,455円

[通常販売価格: 1,500円]


Pleasure Unit CD (Trino Records)

2000年初期ニューヨークアフロパンクシーン(AFROPUNK) ムーヴメントで Antipop Consortiumや Apollo Heights 達等と共にシーンを支えてきたプレジャーユニット!
現在各メンバーは TV on The Radio, Chin Chin, EL-P, Antibalas Afrobeat, Japo Space Rock Marianne, The Juggs を筆頭に数多くのプロジェクトでニューヨークのミュージックシーンに貢献する...

The Pleasure Unit :

Jaleel Bunton - Vocoder, Vocal, Guitar
Kareem bunton - Bass
Torbitt Schwartz - Lead Guitar
Tadayuki Hirano - Drums

all songs written by The Pleasure Unit (NYC)
copyright 2002

The Pleasure Unit was part of a New York underground movement dubbed AfroPunk in early 2000. Acts like Anti-Pop Consortium, Mike Ladd, and Apollo Heights reflect a downtown scene which is a diversity of intellect anger humor poetry electronica funk along with the ghosts of hard core and punk. These acts are filling a void left by the commercial hip hop backlash. The Pleasure Unit, is the bridge between curtis mayfield and mystical, between radiohead and outkast, between fishbone and the roots. ecclectic as the clash with all the funk sense of Prince, The Pleasure Unit is attracting listeners from a wide demographic.

Brothers, Kareem(El-P, Juggs, etc...) and Jaleel(TV on the Radio, Mike Ladd, etc...), and childhood friend Torbitt(Chin Chin, El-P, Antibalas Afrobeat, Steve Arrington, etc...) represent Louisville, Kentucky; while Tadayuki is a longtime LES scenestar (Ultra Bide, Blonde Redhead, Cibo Matto, Chin Chin, Russell Simins(JSBX), etc) who originally hailed from Japan together they make up The Pleasure Unit.

Being pulled in all directions by the four poles of their influences, which range from rock, soul, hip hop, jazz, punk and psychedelia, the centrifugal force of The Pleasure Unit's music keeps things from spinning out of control.


画像: Pleasure Unit CD (Trino Records)
The Pleasure Unit : Kareem Bunton / Torbitt Schwartz / Tadayuki Hirano / Jaleel Bunton
画像: Pleasure Unit CD (Trino Records)

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