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商品詳細 Autopilot 1U チューナーモジュール 次回入荷分

販売価格: 11,543円

[通常販売価格: 11,900円]

重さ: 1lb


Smallest autotuner of analog oscillators

AUTOPILOT 1U is an innovative tuner module. Tune your oscillators fast, just apply the AUTOPILOT 1U in between the pitch CV and apply the reference waveform. Previously available as a dual autotuner AUTOPILOT in 3U version (4hp) and now as a single autotuner 1U Intellijel format version (6hp).



  • 440 A-note or 261.62 Hz C-note scales: selected mode saved on next power up

  • Tune your oscillators instantly, just apply the Autopilot in between the pitch CV and apply the reference wave

  • Play the reference note from your sequencer or CV keyboard. Now a single tap on the button tunes your oscillator to the closest A/C note.


Power consumption:

  • 20 mA +12V

  • 10 mA -12V

  • 0 mA 5V



  • 6 HP

  • 35 mm deep


Modulargrid: BLACK

Manual: HERE

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