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Expert Sleepers ES-10 

販売価格: 59,073円

[通常販売価格: 60,900円]

重さ: 1lb


The ES-10 is a Eurorack 8-in/8-out ADAT interface, with DC-coupled inputs and outputs that can be used for both audio and CVs.

Each input can be individually selected for modular or line level operation.

The outputs can be expanded via the ES-5 module.

The ES-10 uses AKM 'VELVET SOUND' DACs and ADCs and low noise audio op-amps for the best possible sound quality.

Please note: the ES-10 cannot be used without an ADAT input connection (from the ADAT output port of your audio interface).


The ES-10's specifications are as follows:
  • Panel width: 12HP
  • Module depth: 35mm (including power cable)
  • Current draw: 132mA on the +12V rail, 90mA on the -12V rail
  • Inputs:
    • 8x 3.5mm TS jacks
    • DC or AC coupled
    • Modular or line level
    • Maximum voltage ±12V
  • Outputs:
    • 8x 3.5mm TS jacks
    • DC coupled
    • Maximum voltage ±11V
  • Expansion header
  • Compared to the ES-3/6/7

    The ES-10 can be seen to offer the same functionality as the combination of an ES-3ES-6, and ES-7, but with these advantages:

    • Less HP used
    • Less deep
    • Considerably less power consumption
    • Better audio quality (lower noise)
    • Option for line level input

    For more detail, please see the user manual.

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