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ALM Busy Circuits MFD 次回入荷分

販売価格: 28,033円

[通常販売価格: 28,900円]

重さ: 1lb


MFD: DJ Crossfader and Stereo VCA

The ‘MFD’ is a 2-channel stereo crossfader designed for live DJ-style mixing and jamming in Eurorack. Two mono or stereo inputs are mixed to a single stereo output via direct or voltage control. Additional Cue controls provide preview monitoring of either input pre-mix via dedicated Cue switches and an output.

Voltage control over the crossfade and DC coupling allow for further creative uses such as a high quality stereo VCA or as a mix processor for either stereo audio signals or CV.

The MFD is designed to have very low noise and cross bleed and employs equal power crossfading for smooth constant level blending between signal sources.


  • Two channel stereo crossfader with voltage control.
  • Approx equal power crossfading.
  • Cue output switches for direct monitoring of either stereo input (pairing well with HPO for headphone monitoring).
  • Can be used as a high quality stereo VCA.
  • DC coupled for use with both audio and CV.
  • Skiff friendly with reverse power protection.
  • Two year warranty.
  • Made in England.

Ideal For

  • Smoothly blending and monitoring ‘tracks’ or ‘scenes’ during a live set.
  • High quality VCA use for stereo based sources.
  • Voltage controlled crossfading and mixing of both CV and Audio signals.
  • Other advanced uses including audio rate modulation, stereo panning effects and a CV controlled FX send.

Technical Specifications

Supply: +12V 70mA / -12V 70mA

Size: 6HP

Depth: 32mm



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