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Divkid Manic 次回入荷分

販売価格: 57,133円

[通常販売価格: 58,900円]

重さ: 1lb


An Apollo View Modular & DivKid collaboration

Manic introduces an exploration of dual channel mono, mono to stereo or true stereo modulation and sound shaping within a sleek 8HP module designed for both creative freedom and technical precision. Each channel offers precision linear VCA functionality with traditional unipolar amplitude control or bipolar behaviour for complex ring modulation effects. While we all need more VCAs! The secret sauce lies in the post VCA shape outputs.

The Shape1 output features TanH soft clipping and Serge-style wavefolding, while Shape2 boasts hard clipping alongside a Buchla-style wavefolder. The contrasting topologies between the left and right channels unlock dynamic stereo widening effects, making the stereo image both expansive and mesmerising. While the circuits are different they have been tweaked to provide variance for creating stereo images from mono sources while also working with stereo inputs for a balanced, yet enhanced stereo spread.

Designed to excel with both audio and CV signals, Manic effortlessly processes incoming signals for a broad spectrum of uses. The intuitive layout ensures immediate hands on control making it ideal for live performance and studio experimentation.


A collaborative design from both DivKid & Apollo View Modular
Selectable unipolar or bipolar VCA circuitry per channel
Three distinct shape outputs per channel: Inverted, Clipped, and Wavefolding
TanH soft clipping & hard clipping
Serge style wavefolding & Buchla style wavefolding
Stereo operation with perfectly matched gains for the clipping and wavefolding circuits, creating a stunning stereo widening effect.
DC-coupled signal path for processing both audio and CV signals.
Input and modulation normalisations for simple mono to stereo operation
Flexible signal flow allows for creative combinations, such as ring modulation into clipping or wavefolding.

30mm depth
+12V 180mA -12V 135mA

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