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Erica Synths DRUM STEREO DJ VCF 次回入荷分

販売価格: 35,793円

[通常販売価格: 36,900円]

重さ: 1lb


As its name suggests, the Erica Synths DJ VCF STEREO module provides sound treatment functionality typically found on DJ decks – it is fully open when the cutoff knob is at 12:00. When turned counter-clockwise, lowpass filtering is applied and when turned clockwise, highpass filtering is initiated. Additionally, there is a nice-sounding, adjustable resonance parameter. This provides hands-on control over the sound during performances as well as unconventional timbre modulations that are hard to achieve with conventional state variable filters.


  • Fully analogue stereo DJ-style VCF
  • Manual cutoff and resonance control
  • Two cutoff CV inputs, one with an attenuverter

Technical specifications:

Audio level10Vptp
CV level-10V - +10V
Filter slope24dB/oct
Power consumption+109mA, -101mA
Module width8HP
Module depth35mm

Manuals book

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