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Noise Engineering Cursus Iteritas Alia  次回入荷分

販売価格: 61,013円

[通常販売価格: 62,900円]

重さ: 1lb


Dynamically generated wavetable oscillator.

Cursus Iteritas Alia is a voltage-controlled oscillator that works from a dynamically generated wavetable. It gives the user spectral-like controls over three different modes based on different conceptualizations of frequency: Fourier, which uses sine waves; Daubechies, using wavelets; and Walsh mode, using the Walsh transform. Cursus Iteritas Alia has a musical tone structure that produces an extremely wide variety of harmonic sounds. The suboscillator output is perfect for adding low-end power to a patch, and the Hold button adds unique performability to a jam.

Size and Power

  • 10HP Eurorack
  • +12v:100mA
  • -12v: 15mA

Cursus - series, from Latin cursus "series"

Iteritas - repetitiousness - from Latin itero "repeat" with suffix -tas "state of being"

Alia - another, other from Latin alia "other"

“another series of repetitiousness”

Cursus Iteritas Alia manual


    • Module
    • Power cable
    • Micro USB cable
We no longer include screws with newly packaged modules. Bulk screws are available for purchase.


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