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販売価格: 31,913円

[通常販売価格: 32,900円]

重さ: 1lb


The Wave Transformer
Eurorack Transfiguration Oscillator
The Wave Transformer is an analog, vintage-voiced, voltage-controlled oscillator with over 8 octaves of accurate pitch tracking. It has 7 simultaneous wave outputs, including a unique Complex output.

The Transform control morphs from a basic waveform through many strange iterations into a complex, gnarled mass of audio mutations at the Complex output. You can yield countless variations on these permutations by combining this novel circuit with Hard Sync, Soft Sync, Linear FM and Exponential FM. Additionally, you can mute the source waveform to use the circuit as a harmonic gate/VCA, rendering The Wave Transformer a voice unto itself. If that is not enough, there is a Shape Insertthat allows you to transform external oscillations and modular-level audio sources.

Hard Sync: Accepts +/-5 volts. Uses the incoming signal to reset the phase of the oscillator to a particular phase, depending on the polarity of the incoming pulses.

Soft Sync: Accepts +/–5 volts. Positive pulses at this input will cause the upper peak of the waveform to prematurely change direction, while negative pulses will cause the lower peak to prematurely change direction.

V/Octave: Accepts traditional volt/octave CV to control pitch.

Shape Insert: Accepts +/-5 volts. Allows the insertion of another waveform or modular-level signal to be mutated by the Transform circuit. The new waveform will change the results heard at the Complex output.

Lin FM: Accepts +/-5 volts audio signals. Allows linear frequency modulation.

Expo FM: Accepts +/-10 volts. Allows exponential frequency modulation.

Pulse Width CV Input: Accepts +/-5 volts. Allows control or the pulse width of the Rectangle output from 0%–100% duty cycle.

Transform CV Input: Accepts 0-5 volts. Allows control of the Transformcircuit. This CV input is added to the Transform panel control. Use the panel control to set the default Transformation from which you would like to modulate.

µTune CV Input: Accepts +/-10 volts. This is an exponential CV input that allows precise modulation of the oscillator pitch. This input can be used to sequence precise pitch bends, adding pitch instability with a random voltage source, or sequencing tiny changes in pitch for drone or microtonal music.

Panel Controls
Sub Source: Selects either the internal oscillator or the signal patched into the Shape Insert jack for use in generating sub octaves. This control affects the Complex, Sub Pulse and Sub Squareoutputs. Leave this set to “INT” unless you are tracking an external source.

Sub Octave: Selects between 1 octave down, 2 octaves down or muting the sub octaves. This control affects the Complexand Sub Squareoutputs. The Sub Pulseoutput is unaffected by this control, as it is fixed to 1 octave down.

Complex Source: Selects between muting and unmuting the source wave for the Complexoutput.

Tune: Course control of the pitch of the oscillator, spanning approximately 7 octaves.

Fine Tune: Fine control of the pitch of the oscillator, spanning a little more than 1 octave.

µTune (Micro Tune): Ultra fine control of the oscillator, spanning approximately 25 cents.

Pulse Width: Varies the Pulse Width of the Rectangleoutput between 0%–100%. At 0% or 100% Pulse Width, the Rectangle output is silent.

Transform: Morphs the Complexoutput from a triangle wave through multiple iterations into a strange and harmonically complex waveform, using an asymmetrical multi-differential audio transmutation circuit.

Sine: +/-5 volts

Triangle: +/-5 volts

Saw: +/-5 volts

Complex: Up to +/-10 volts. This strange and novel output varies between a simple waveform (triangle, unless you patch a signal into the Shape Insertjack) and a complex transformation of the harmonic structure of the original waveform. It contains a unique mixture of the fundamental frequency, odd order harmonics, even order harmonics and subharmonics. The Sub Octavepanel control will determine whether the sub harmonics are derived from one octave down, two octaves down, or are muted altogether. It will vary from a simple waveform to a silhouette of your cat watching you as you react to a “present” that it left for you on the counter. No, seriously.

Rectangle: +/-5 volts. The pulse width of this waveform is dependent upon the Pulse Widthpanel control and its associated CV input.

Sub Pulse: +/-5 volts. 25% duty cycle sub octave signal that is fixed to 1 octave lower than the source signal.

Sub Square: +/-5 volts. A sub octave square wave that is either 1 or 2 octaves down from the source signal, depending on the Sub Octavesetting.

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