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FLAME TAKT - rhythm sequencer 近日入荷予定

販売価格: 93,993円

[通常販売価格: 96,900円]

重さ: 2lb


"TAKT" is a compact 30HP Eurorack sequencer module for playing or programming trigger/gate/velocity rhythm sequences.The sequencer has 8 tracks with trigger/gate outputs, 8 velocity/modulation CV outputs and full MIDI functionality. The CV track can also be used independently as a modulation track. Live sequencing in looper mode is possible in two ways: SHOTS for playing "note repeats" or quantized triggering via keys or sensors.

Four tracks can be triggered simultaneously with four external distance sensors. These sensors are just 2HP slim modules that can be rack mounted at desired locations. These are connected directly to the module with narrow and sufficiently long ribbon cables, which also supplies the sensors with the necessary operating voltage. The 4 sensors and the connection cables are included in the scope of delivery. The sensors generate triggers/gates and can be switched live as a set between tracks 1-4 and 5-8 (e.g. via footswitch).

30 HP

50 mm deep

160 mA +12V

80 mA -12V


PDF Quickstart - Flame TAKT (english)
PDF Quickstart- Flame TAKT (deutsch)

Firmware TAKT V1.3

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